Monday, July 30, 2012

WMRL Learning Journal Blog: WMRL Database Advisory - blog*spot

This is my 2nd attempt at sharing the learning that occurs at and that which can be gleaned from reading about committee meetings. As always, discussion and questions are welcome.

Meeting held: Friday, July 27th at 10am-12:30pm

In attendance: Lisa McKenney (ACLS), Chris McGee (ACLS), Cathy Ashby (RELIB), Bonnie Winters (RELIB), Elizabeth Hulett (WCFL), Bill Taylor (WCFL), Joe Thompson (Chair, WMRL), and Julie Zamostny (note-taker, WMRL)

Presentation by Monica Wilson, Gale Databases Representative
Monica provided a 40 minute overview of some of the lesser-known features of the Gale Virtual Reference Library (GVRL). Below are some of the highlights.

  • Unlimited simultaneous use; 24/7 access with authentication via library barcode
  • Articles are downloadable to eReaders and tablets; Kindle users must know their Kindle email to take advantage of this feature
  • MARC records are available so that GVRL titles display in the PAC = increases discoverability
  • Articles can be read aloud in 19 languages
  • Articles can be downloaded in MP3 format
  • Articles can be viewed in enriched text and PDF
  • Ability to download up to 50 titles at once
  • New and improved Help Guides with text and video
  • Can create a GVRL username and password so you can save articles in folders for retrieval at a later date
  • Reminder: has a lot of helpful resources
  • GVRL can create special collections from the admin site or by contacting tech support. For example, they can create a collection of DK titles that libraries can then display/link to on their websites.
  • GVRL has an Access My Library app - still glitchy - use with caution. GPS authentication only, barcode authentication is not available through the Access My Library app.
?Review of December Meeting Minutes
  • Page 2: NextReads. Group recommended that Joe get a quote from EBSCO that would separate out NextReads from the other subscriptions so we can tell how much we're actually paying for it. All three counties still use it to some extent so, the intent is to continue to subscribe unless the cost is prohibitive.
  • LibraryThing has been officially dropped.
  • Lisa McKenney's and Emily Zumbrun's names were misspelled.
  • Minutes from the December meeting were approved.
Review of SAILOR Subscriptions
  • SAILOR databases have not changed, the contract with Gale expires June 2013
  • Committee would like to know when discussions will start regarding the renewal of the contract
Review of WMRL Subscriptions
  • eVanced scheduling software is now available and is being utilized by ACLS and WCFL. RELIB may work with ACLS to determine whether or not it is the right product for their needs.
  • Mango Languages: Joe hasn't received an invoice yet but the intention is to renew
  • OverDrive Advantage funds goes to buying more copies of titles already owned plus buying unique titles that are not already in the OverDrive database. Lisa McKenney and Carrie Plymire (WMRL) are responsible for purchasing Advantage titles for the region.
  • MPERL has been dissolved and therefore we are now responsible for negotiating contracts for four databases: Gale packages, Testing and Education Resource Center, ValueLine, and one other that I missed.?
  • Committee recommended that Joe get quotes from EBSCO for comparable products: Biography Reference Center and Literary Reference Center
  • Compliance Suite expires in September. Julie Z, Jennifer Spriggs (ACLS), and Franny Lockely (WCFL) all use this software for librarian certification tracking. Intent is to renew.
  • Dropped OCLC due to shared ILS
?FY2012 Database Usage Stats
  • This is a little like combining apples and oranges because each database defines usage differently (i.e. page views, searches, downloads, etc.)
  • If you want to see raw database usage data, Joe will email you his extremely detailed spreadsheet.
  • Committee recommended that Joe see if he can separate out usage stats for NoveList Plus and NoveList Select Classic (this is what shows up automatically when you do a title search in the PAC). Committee would also like to look at pricing for each of these as separate entities.
  • Committee would like to recommend that we strongly encourage our respective children's departments to promote Little Pim (language learning database for kiddos)
Reference USA Discussion
This was originally discussed as part of the FY2012 Database Usage Stats but since it is a recurring discussion I decided to give it a separate heading.
  • ACLS and RELIB do not see the value when examining the Cost: Use ratio (at a regional level)
  • WCFL staff rely on it heavily - and that is reflected in the usage stats (at the county level)
  • ACLS and RELIB feel like the information in RefUSA can be found easily on the Internet.
  • Cathy mentioned that, historically, the information contained within RefUSA has been out of date and inaccurate.
  • WCFL cannot afford the database on their own
  • ACLS and RELIB agree that it is not a matter of training that would help rectify the lack of usage in their counties.
  • Can WMRL pay for just WCFL to have this database and have WCFL act as clearinghouse for all things Business that are received across all three counties, similar to The Foundation Center (Note: WMRL does not pay for the Foundation Center database, it was only mentioned in the meeting as a comparison). This model would be cause for more in-depth discussion because of the possibilty of setting a precedence. Joe feels awkward about this because he strongly feels that WMRL should be paying for resources that are available and of use across all three counties.?
  • Final settlement: committee agrees to keep paying for it but it will continue to be a point of discussion for this committee
TRIALS Follow-Up
  • Access News: not interested
  • Zinio: not interested until it's iPad compatible
  • Universal Class: not interested, do not consider for 2 years
  • Dzanc Books: not interested
  • Proquest Historical Newspapers: not interested, do not consider for 2 years
  • Pronunciator: not interested, do not consider for 2 years
  • Muzzy: not interested
  • Axis360: not interested
  • 3M ebooks: not interested until more information is available from BCPL (they're BETA testers)
  • Hoopla: there is interest around this; look at it after the Fall 2012 release
Committee is not looking to add anything new at this time be we'll consider any left over money to be used to enhance OverDrive or to purchase a new product later if we identify one.

Committee would like to consider using any leftover funds to promote the databases. This will be an agenda item at the next Spring meeting.

Newly formed MLC: Maryland Library Consortium. Joe might have to provide more information on this. The group's target is databases but it encompasses more than that.WMRL is participating.

GVRL Weeding

  • WCFL is purchasing their own GVRL ebook titles and they're happy to share with the rest of the group even though WMRL is not paying for region-wide access
  • Committee would like Joe to get quote from Gale regarding a special DK package and we want to know what the age of the titles is, then we'll decide if we want to trial. It was recommended that we talk with Harford County - they already have something comparable in place.
  • Joe will make his recommendatiosn to the group as to which titles he thinks should be withdrawn.?
  • In the van on the way home, Joe and Elizabeth decided that Elizabeth would take on this task instead.
  • We still want to receive the MARC records of the titles that are relevant.
?Discovery Services
  • Joe asks that the committee keep these services/products in mind when we're at conferences, etc. They aren't a top priority but he foresees possible interest in them in the future.
End of Meeting
  • Joe will Doodle the committee to determine the next 2 dates of meetings.


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