Friday, July 27, 2012

Multiple IP Hosting an Efficient Way of gaining Online Success | Web ...

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Multiple IP Hosting an Efficient Way of gaining Online Success

Article by Jack Madison

Multiple IP Hosting an Efficient Way of gaining Online Success ? Internet ? Web Hosting

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Multiple IP Hosting speaks volumes about the significance of C Class IPs in an online business, which primarily attracts clients from the web world. May it be an online marketing portal or an e-commerce site, without Multiple Class C IPs, they can?t stand at the top.

Looking into the present online marketing scenario, there is virtually no business that is untouched by internet and due to the benefits offered by Multiple IP Hosting they flourish like wild fire. Getting the best PR and maximum inbound traffic is every business owner?s dream, but can?t be true unless he seeks the help of C Class IPs.

Changing times had a good number of cases showing the success ration of SEO Hosting websites than simply web hosting them. Web hosting just creates and launches a web site on the web, which no one gets to know without any advertisement or promotions. SEO Hosting doesn?t leave the site to succumb and die forever on the web, with lack of visitors and business. It features the web site on the web, promotes it through a team of supporting micro sites, which in turn popularizes it.

Getting highly popular on leading ERPs across the globe, the money site draws plenty of business with the web traffic. While serving a global clientele the service provider must offer you IPs and servers that can withstand the network load and offer you the best possible services,

Micro sites offer back links to the money site through clog farms and link wheels. Directory submission, blogging, social medial, social book marking and article submission are the way to attract more traffic for the main site.

All the contents of these micro sites have to undergo organic SEO processes, so that they can meet the standards of SEO hosting and be able to ward of search engine spiders? threats. Apart from that white hat SEO hosting makes sure that each of the supporting sites is easily browsed by search spiders that rank them on successful visits and benefit the money site.

The scripting pages need to be called externally in order to reduce the load on the server and allow the sites more space to perform. Alt tags and Meta tags are placed properly to accommodate the maximum visits of spiders, whenever a search term is entered on the search engine to get information in that niche.

Class C IPs coming from different blocks and ranges of Class C are best suited to provide ultimate SEO hosting results, as these IPs make the sites search spider proof and yield more PR, web traffic and of course plenty of revenues for your business.

About the Author

About Author:

There is a great need to contemplate Multiple IP Hosting so as to help webmasters achieve the best of results on their website?s PR and SERP. Firms such as Page1Hosting are some of the only few authentic SEO Hosting options that need to be formulated with the sole intention of knowing which are the best optimization strategies available in the market today.

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whereby the original author?s information and copyright must be included.

Jack Madison

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SEO Hosting question by tsw: embed a short link under click here in wp, go to a hidden page, how do short link, hidden pages work?help plz?
I have a 3rd party hosted theme in wordpress I need to have the text on the page read click here, I want to have a link that I can only assume is a shortlink (click here) not the whole url, show up in the page, then I do not want the page to show on the nav bar in fact show nowhere on the site but rather just have the link go to that page I assume (hidden pages) I am not big on code at all (dumb in it actually) and this is the only missing link for my site for my new start up company webpage,I am assuming this is (hidden pages) where I can put back text for keywords and help with SEO, any advise would be huge, please help, so in shirt, (existing page full of text) for more info (click here) no url, shown, just (click here) then link that to a page with the info on the same site, page not shown to public unless you click on previous tab, and how to hide pages to keyword and still get indexed???? so lost? thanks for any direction

SEO Hosting best answer:

Answer by Bri
Are you in plain HTML format?
if so,you do

Click here
put those last 3 lines together, it won;t let me put it all

obviously, you replace the website name with whatever your website?s name is.
and make sure you put the http:// part, or else it won?t go to it.
Hope it helps!

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