Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Real Estate Photography ? Call the Professionals - Forgie Home ...

Real Estate Photography

The general public who maybe browsing through websites of different homes for sale, indulges in looking at ads in a newspaper of homes that are for sale, walks past a real estate agency and glances at the window photos, probably takes for granted the photography efforts that have made all of that possible. Smart realtors are professional in their marketing approach. The good photos are not (nor should they be) quick digital camera pictures taken by just anyone.

Real Estate Photography

The pictures that feature the homes and their best qualities are done professionally. While, professional real estate photography obviously requires an investment, the results are well worth it. Often times, the picture is the potential buyer?s ?first impression.? And, we all know that we only get one opportunity to make a ?first impression.?

Real Estate Photography ? A Worthy Investment

Statistics show that regardless of the price of the home, if the picture is done professionally?a significantly higher percentage of people will view it. Other statistics include evidence that professionally photographed homes remain on the market longer (again regardless of price tiers), they demand a higher asking price per square foot, and the homes that are above the $300,000 price tier are more likely to sell. To gain these benefits, homeowners and real estate agents alike do have to invest a few hundred dollars to hire a professional to photograph their home. Sometimes, this expense can seem unnecessary.

However, if the homeowner/real estate agent considers the tremendous value of the asset at stake, surely a few hundred dollars toward positive marketing of the asset seems very responsible and even necessary. Professional photos of a home that is for sale will capture the attention of potential buyers; poor amateur photos will do just the opposite?allowing the potential buyer to skip over the listing for the simple fact that he/she cannot ?see? the home very well in the picture.

How sad, really, as the home may be just what the buyer seeks, and yet the buyer will never know because the ?first impression? was not powerful at all. Statistics prove this to be a real phenomenon. So, great ?first impression? photos product great sales results, while average images produce average results.

Real Estate Photography ? Get A Step Ahead of Your Competition

Whether you are a real estate agent or a homeowner looking to list your own home on the market, invest some dollars in smart marketing and smart photography. Look for a real estate photographer who knows how to shine a beautiful light on the features of your home. There is a reason that some people are titled ?professional real estate photographers;? they are specifically trained to do excellent work for you. And, sometimes it is simply best to pay a professional to do their job.

If you want your listing to stand out amongst all the others, hire a professional photographer to help you market your listing. So many others simply grab a camera and ?point ?n? shoot.? Just going that extra mile and making your photos jump off of the page (whether online or in print) will increase your results and set you apart from the competition.

Until next time,

Source: http://forgiehomestaging.com/2012/07/real-estate-photography-call-the-professionals/

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