Saturday, July 20, 2013

Mary Mary Joins Stevie Wonder?s Florida Boycott

In the wake of George Zimmerman?s acquittal for the shooting death of Trayvon Martin, the ladies of Mary Mary have decided to stand by Stevie Wonder in his decision to boycott the state of Florida.

?We will stand with Stevie Wonder & boycott Florida until the Stand Your Ground Law is changed,? the gospel-singing duo wrote on their joint Twitter account. ?We love our fans but we MUST do something. We understand that a No from us isn?t as big as a ?No? from Stevie Wonder, but if all our voices join together we can REALLY change things.?

Erica and Tina?s decision comes four days after Wr. Wonder made his announcement at a concert in Quebec City.?They added, ?Let?s let our voices be heard #JusticeForTrayvonAMartin.?

The idea of an organized Florida boycott has been discussed on social media ever since Saturday?s not-guilty verdict was released. There?s even an online petition called Boycott Florida Tourism on

In a petition that launched online this week, boycott organizer Chris Bergman wrote, ?Florida is not a safe place to take your family for vacation as long as Florida law permits a citizen to shoot or kill you for merely looking suspicious, and to do it with impunity. Boycott Florida tourism until this dangerous law is overturned.?

Some members of the National Association of Black Journalists are also calling for the organization to cancel or relocate their annual convention scheduled to take place in Orlando this August.


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