Do you want to know how to use YELP in your Real Estate business? YELP like any other social platform needs to be interactive and sincere. Do not enter into YELP?s platform with how can this help me. Ask yourself ?how can I keep it real?. If you had a bad experience somewhere it might be good for the service provider to know it. Hopefully they are monitoring YELP. If you had a good experience somewhere it is a very good thing to leave a review. You can use Yelp to to monitor your service. Ask your clients (not your buddies) to leave you a review. This can do a couple things for you, it can help you confirm the things you may already know or it can bring to light some of the things that you do not.
The more positive reviews that you receive, the more the search engines (like Google) may increase your rankings. Join Yelp today. Navigate your way through the platform. Get to know it. Optimize your profile and check out ad placements, these can be beneficial as well.
Take a look at how Beth McKinney a Realtor from RE/MAX United in Cary, North Carolina, used Yelp to tell a story about one of her favorite businesses, the Southern Bread Company. She then printed out her review on Yelp, which included a picture of her standing in front of the shop and the Yelp logo, had it framed, and presented it to the business owners, who in turn, hung it on the wall behind their cash register. Now, every patron who comes to the store knows McKinney and everyone on the streets of Cary knows McKinney. She has created celebrity status for herself in some of these establishments.
Whenever you have a good experience somewhere, ?check in? to that establishment using the Yelp mobile app and post a good review. What goes around comes around.

How to use YELP in Real Estate
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