Monday, September 24, 2012

Sunday Series: Top Growing Sites in Health/Fitness/Beauty


health and fitness class

Image from: Fitness Class /

If you go to the gym year-round (like me), then the start of the Fall season is a bit dreadful because with it comes an onslaught of fitness neophytes, back from their summer vacations and convinced that this is the year they?re going to get themselves together and look simply incredible. Usually the craze?which is eerily similar to the gym after new years?lightens up after a few weeks, but in the mean time the body sculpting is a high priority. I decided to see which sites were gaining the highest rate of growth in the Health/Fitness/Beauty category for August, and below is the top ten fastest movers.

For all you fad diet lovers, what do you think? Are these fads worth following, or will you stick the more classic methods? And does the South Beach Diet count as a classic method? It?s been around long enough, I?d say, but does the seasonal influx and efflux of traffic to its domain mean it works year-round? Or do people just hit it up when they?re in need of a quick thinspiration? I?m prone to say the later, but that?s just me.

Top Movers in the Health/Fitness/Beauty Category

About Ryan LaSala:
Ryan La Sala joins Compete as the Digital Marketing Co-op for, sovereign of all things social media. Ryan is a current attendant of Northeastern University, dual-majoring in Cultural Anthropology and International Affairs (with minors in Biology and Psychology), with career interests in Industrial-Organizational Psychology and Consumer Anthropology. Aside from acquiring aspirations with big words, Ryan?s other interests include reading cheesy fiction, writing in any capacity, singing and cooking. Find Ryan on twitter @Ryality or connect with him on LinkedIn.

Tags: beauty dieting fad diets featured fitness gym health slimming down working out





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