Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Simply Suzanna: Organizing Photos and my scrapbooking dillema

I've got a box of pictures. A box bigger than I should have for my 27 years of life. Oh I should mention that I l also have about 20 albums filled with scrapbooks and pictures. Not good for my minimalist heart.
As I'm getting ready to move (for the 8th time in 5 years!) I'm really trying to consolidate, sort and donate my things. I've tackled the kitchen, my closet, and my storage closet. I set aside a few boxes from the storage closet that I just didn't want to tackle at the time and one was this dreaded box of pictures. The wedding is so close now that I know I'm not going to be able to do anything about it right now, but I've been thinking about after the wedding. I'm ready to get down to business and organize this mess!

Here's my dillema: To scrapbook or not?

My Photo To Do List:

  • Wedding book- for BL and me and both sets of Parents (will probably include engagement photos)
  • Yearbooks: 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012
  • Vacations: Florida 2006, Boston 2010, East 1999 or so, Dale Hollow twice, and several others I'm forgetting
  • Senior Trip and Open House (yes, from High School)

The Methods:

Old-Fashioned Scrapbooking

  1. I have a ton of paper, empty books, page protectors, stickers etc.. to use up.
  2. Possibly a cheaper option considering #1.
  3. I like to do "crafty" projects, it's stress relief for me
  1. Takes up a lot of SPACE (supplies spread out everywhere while you work, ugh... and the finished product tends to take up more space on a shelf than digital)
  2. I would have to get a bunch of prints to fill in gaps where I didn't get pictures printed
  3. I can only work on this when I'm at home surrounded by supplies
  4. takes more time.


  1. It's fast?
  2. Neat and Clean looking. I can make similar sized books that would look great lined up on a shelf or stacked on the coffee table.
  3. We can order duplicates for family??
  4. Takes up less storage space (I could also get rid of all of my supplies!)
  1. Less personal in some ways. It's not my own handwriting and it's not the same feeling as paper and embellishments layered together.?
  2. Requires time in front of the computer. some days after work this is not what I want to do. But who knows, after the wedding I may not be working at a desk job all day.?
  3. Will cost money.


tagged weather radar Heptathlon London 2012 shot put London 2012 Track And Field Jordyn Wieber michael phelps

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