Wednesday, April 24, 2013

How is this possible? - TechExams.Net

I am with ptilsen on this. First line of defense should be proper monitoring/alerting setup on the SANs. But also to blargoe's point every admin software I've used would generally have some indicator of a failure on the first screen. The admin will be more alert from this point forward.

Yeah but the problem you and ptilsen have is that you both think logically like a System Administrator should. However, this is IT we are talking about. I have seen Sys Admins, Network Engineers work in an environment and not even have a monitoring system in place. I assume it's an "Out of sight out of mind" approach?

I would fire someone on the spot that even began to show such a lack of common sense. I am becoming more and more jaded the longer I work in this field. The positive is that it is easy to stand above these types.

I tell you what, i'm just gonna dive on the next person I hear say "Yeah, but it's been awhile" when asked if they have experience with a technology.

"Yeah, but it's been awhile" = I have absolutely no clue about said technology


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