Sunday, April 28, 2013

Berlusconi says Italy will get government Saturday

ROME (AP) ? Former Premier Silvio Berlusconi says he thinks Italy will finally get a government Saturday, a broad coalition that brings his conservatives back in power.

The media mogul also told journalists in Rome Saturday he wouldn't be part of the Cabinet headed by a center-left leader Enrico Letta.

Letta, who is a nephew of a longtime Berlusconi adviser, met earlier with the ex-premier for two hours as the rivals haggle over Cabinet posts.

Elections in February yielded political gridlock, leaving Letta 's Democratic Left party fractured and making runner-up Berlusconi kingmaker, since the center-left needs backing from his center-right bloc for a Parliamentary majority.

President Giorgio Napolitano, who agreed to serve an unprecedented second term, gave Letta the task of trying to assemble a stable coalition.


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