Friday, June 1, 2012

Red Raspberry Leaf Tea ~ For Women and Pregnancy | Deep Roots ...

Red Raspberry leaf tea, iced tea, herbal tea for pregnancy and menstrual pain

Red Raspberry Leaf is the herb of choice for pregnancy and for women?s health, and it is the best single herb that we can take for total uterine health. And it?is not only great for mamas, it is also wonderful for their whole family.

Red Raspberry is also an excellent source of the alkaloid?fragrine, which tones the muscles of the pelvic region, including the uterus itself. This?really helps lessen or eliminate cramps in the menstrual cycle and makes for an easier birth.?Red Raspberry leaves also contain many vitamins like vitamin C, E, A, B complex, and minerals like magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, manganese, selenium, silicon, sulfur, also easily assimilated calcium and iron. All of this makes Red Raspberry leaf the best base available for prenatal and postpartum teas, as well as, pre- and postmenopausal teas.

red raspberry leaves, herbal tea leaves

Red Raspberry Leaf Tea is full of a naturally occurring calcium. It is better assimilated than calcium?supplements. Without a ready supply of calcium, only part of the uterine muscle will work as it should. This puts strain the rest of the uterine muscle, adding tremendous pressure on an already stressed body.

Getting enough calcium in this way also eases the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS). Calcium helps to regulate the hormones your body is flooded with every month. If your calcium supplies are adequate your body will not have to release as many of the hormones that cause?PMS?. The symptoms of?PMS,?like cramping, irritability, and depression are all very similar to other calcium-deficient symptoms.

Benefits of Red Raspberry Leaf taken internally:

~It strengthening the wall of the uterus and the entire female reproductive tract.

~Regulates a menstrual period and decreases heavy periods (Drink 2-3 cups per day. After 2-3 months you should obtain a regular cycle.)

~It works during all stages of pregnancy. Relieves morning sickness and nausea.

~Is used as a preventative for hemorrhage during labor. It assists labor, making for an easier delivery. Tones uterine muscle before, during, and after childbirth.

~It increases and builds milk for nursing your baby.

~It is good for stomach aches and bowel problems in children and diarrhea in babies.

~It is good for digestion, as an antacid, and for those with bloating and gas.

~Treating Acne: It can act as an astringent on irritated skin by tightening the top layers of skin which effectively reduces secretions, relieves irritation and improves tissue firmness.

~Can be used as a mouth wash to soothe canker sores, swollen gums, and throat irritations.

~It is effective in urinary tract infections.

Now that the young, growing raspberry plants are fully leafed-out, this is a good time to pick and dry your yearly stash of tea leaves.

red raspberry tea leaves, pregnancy tea, pre-menstrual cramp tea, menopause tea

To dry your own red raspberry herb,?pick clean and healthy leaves, as many as you need. Place the leaves on or between two window screens or any material that permits air circulation.?Your herbs?should be kept in a dry climate with minimal exposure to sunlight. Check on them after a couple of days and flip them over for so that they dry evenly. It may take about a week.?Once they are dry, you can crumble them and store them in labeled and dated jars.

Or make tea from fresh leaves by pouring boiling water over the leaves and steeping them for 5-6 minutes or longer. It does not seem to get bitter. We find it very pleasant over ice, even unsweetened. Optional: add mint leaves. It is fabulous on a hot day, and it is very?strengthening.

steeping herb, herbal tea, red raspberry, boiling water

Shoshanna Easling gives us some ways to use red raspberry leaves during pregnancy:

If you don?t have access to red raspberry plants to make your own tea, you can purchase it very reasonably in bulk from the Bulk Herb Store.

Great selection of bulk herbs, books, and remedies. Articles, Research Aids and much more.

(I do have an affiliate standing with Bulk Herb Store. If you need a source of pure, organic herbs, I would be grateful if you would purchase through my link. I helps support my blog. Thank you!)

??A tea made from Red Raspberry leaves is the best gift God ever gave to women. Its utility in travail is surprising. As a drink before and after confinement, it is unequaled by any other agent. If the pains of childbirth are premature, it will make all quiet. When timely, it will occasion a safe and easy parturition. If the mother is weak, it will abundantly strengthen her, cleanse her and enrich her milk. It is perfect safe under all circumstances.? ~Renowned Quaker herbalist, Henry Box

Also note:

  • Red raspberry can easily be ground up, and used in capsules.
  • It can be used to benefit anyone: men, women (including before, during or after pregnancy, and nursing), children and animals. It is particularly effective for pregnant mares.
  • It can be used as often as you would like, and in any way you choose.
  • It should be stored in a dark, dry, and cool place as is the case with most herbs. Refrigeration or freezing is great, but not necessary. However, it will delay the loss of its medicinal properties.
  • Caution:?If you have a history of recurrent miscarriage, red raspberry should only be used from after your period ends, up to ovulation and not after in case you are pregnant. The toning effect of this herb on the uterus is sometimes too much for a weak uterus.


I am not a professional, nor a doctor. I do seek scientific confirmation of the safety and effectiveness of the herbs and remedies I use. Using remedies is a personal decision. Nothing I say on this blog is intended to treat or prevent disease.

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