Saturday, June 30, 2012

Help Wanted!

Is anyone familiar with or has heard of Sadly the site was closed down a short time ago (I don't remember the date). You can say the site was a huge hit. It was a fun, forum-like based role play site, with unlimited avatar customization which overall made the site pretty cool. Users could write their own stories and publish them on the site. It wasn't just one big roleplay either. Their were different forums in different other forums, groups within other groups XD

Long story short, a lot of people were saddened with the cancelling of the site and I happen to be one those people (sad face.) So, it came to me the other night that I wanted to make a site similiar to MobaMingle. I just couldn't take being bored anymore. LOL

I'm posting this because I have NO IDEA where to start. But I know I need people. People, people, people. I and a friend of mine have agreed to be administrators of the site but we also need moderators, graphic artists, a person good with html codes, and overall a server to host the site from (free at the least LOL). I can do graphic design but I admit, I'm not all that great with drawing on a tablet hooked up to a computer.

So can anyone help us out?

- ZombieZemmie!


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