Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Savers Tax Credit ? IRS Form 8880 | invest right, live right

This week I have been updating some training materials that I use for corporate clients to help educate employees about their 401(k). During 2006, there was a tiny tax code update as a part of the Pension Protection Act that many people are unaware of, and I think it is helpful to get younger people excited about saving for retirement. Starting early is a critical factor when it comes to saving for retirement, and I am passionate about helping younger people make great financial decisions. Please share with any children, grandchildren, friends etc who might benefit. Here is a quick summary:
?You must be at least 18, not enrolled as a full-time student at any time during the year, and not claimed as a dependent on another person?s tax return
?Eligible Plans ? IRA?s, Roth IRA?s, 401(k)?s, 403(b)?s, and 457 plans.
?Adjusted Gross Income Limitations ? must fall below income limits for 2012 of $28,750, head of household filers of $43,125 and joint filers of $57,500.

The credit can be as much as $1,000 for single filers and $2,000 for joint filers, and is in addition to any deduction that may be available. The IRS Form 8880 can be found here: As always, consult a tax professional to see how this may applies as every one?s situation is unique and different.

? 2012 Pawleys Investment Advisors, LLC. All rights reserved.

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Posted in Business Retirement Plans | Tagged 401(k), business retirement plans, retirement planning


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