Sunday, January 27, 2013

You, Your Kids & School: Your teen's friends and their influence ...

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Posted: Saturday, January 26, 2013 12:03 pm | Updated: 9:39 am, Thu Jan 24, 2013.

Every day, I get the chance to see the importance of peer relationships in action. Teenagers often tell me their relationships are extremely important and for some it causes serious negative repercussions. The influence of peers, whether negative or positive, is critical during this time of teens? development. During this time they separate their identities from their parents? images. Often, the opinions of their peers carry more weight than the adults in their life. Why? They feel their peers are more accepting of their thoughts, feelings and actions.

There are two types of pressure we hear about the most: positive peer pressure and negative peer pressure. Positive is the ability to develop healthy relationships, which reflects on the teen?s self-reliance, self-identify and self-esteem. Peers act as role models. They also show understanding and compassion of their friend?s daily teenage struggles. Negative peer pressure is usually driven by the need for acceptance, approval and belonging. Typically, teens? that feel isolated or rejected say they are more likely to engage in risky behaviors to fit into this group. The need to belong to a group is so strong that teens? will risk being grounded, lose their parents trust, or even face legal consequences to fit in.

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Carmen Morrow is Hutchinson Public Schools? chemical health prevention specialist. Sources for this column include the Focus Adolescent Service. You, Your Kids & School is a twice-a-month column from School District 423.

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