Thursday, March 14, 2013

Steven Acuff in Healing with Food and Internet Marketing | The ...

Considered a father of Western medicine, Hippo...

Considered a father of Western medicine, Hippocrates advocated the healing effects of food. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Steven Acuff?s Ebook ? Health and Healing with Food

You know, I know the one thing that I should be working on is the ebook of Steven Acuff?s. This ebook is a condensed version of what his big print will be about. And I?ve volunteered to help with this ebook. It?s a great ebook.? It?s virtually written.

But with the job of fact-checking, making it engaging and interesting to read, writing and presenting the information in a way that makes a lot of sense ? chronological, details explained and revealed so as to tie it all together so that it makes perfect sense, as well as presenting the material and Steven Acuff ?as the authority he is ? showcasing and highlighting his experience, clout and knowledge in the field of healing with food, a field where really there are no degrees to be bestowed, no college programs or certificates to hang on one?s wall?? I find it a mite challenging.

Nutrition science does not offer the breadth and depth of Steven Acuff?s knowledge. Doctors are not trained to, in the words of the Father of Medicine Hippocrates, Let Food Be Thy Medicine.

Internet marketing and copywriting

Online writing, selling, websites, traffic, email marketing, digital products, ebooks ? this is another area that is still very new to education. There are a few schools and programs popping up here and there now that offer training in websites and internet marketing, like Full Sail University, and even a somewhat prestigious cutting-edge private school in my city. And SiteSell, the money-making-website-business company, trains their successful website-business members to teach in universities, and is offering classes in colleges.

However, success using computers as the virtual storefront for business, marketing with Google, Yahoo and local directories, interweaving online efforts with brick-and-morter proven techniques and social marketing, mobile devices, apps, and business websites is not something universities seem to have recognized as a legitimate field of study yet. ?No doubt classes are offered here and there in a business degree, or in technical training programs ? building websites; or the engineering and software part of computer and IT programs, but not the bare basics of Internet marketing.

Comparison of Progressive Fields

So, I?m just making a comparison, of how I don?t think Steven Acuff who helps people heal by giving food advice ? what to partake of, what to avoid ? has been recognized for his value in a broad sense of the word in the world at all levels of understanding and establishment. But times are changing.

Because it takes research and gathering of information to present, and then in the United States there are so many blocks and conflicting interests ? with big food manufacturers, pharmaceutical companies, even the entire health industry ? where often money seems to be more important than health.


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