Saturday, March 16, 2013

Astrology Forecast for March 2013 | Little Village


March brings more, occasionally frantic maneuvering as we maneuver to keep finances, relationships and careers on course. And we tend to be affected by each other?s moods more easily than before. Everyone is feeling a little more vulnerable than they should, and a lot more defensive, too. Some soul searching is good, and we do need to worry a bit more about each other?s feelings. But some financial planning and renegotiation of terms will remove a lot of the pressure and prevent excess drama.

??PISCES (Feb. 18 ? Mar. 19) You?re feeling vulnerable on many levels and there?s too much on your mind. You?d probably rather hide away somewhere until you?re feeling stronger and a few things blow over. Despite all that, you?ll most likely have to take important actions to keep your dreams and financial plans on track. This could involve standing alone against the world or require fateful discussions with authoritative people at home and/or in far off places. A resourceful new group of ?allies will help you meet these challenges.

??ARIES (Mar. 20 ? Apr. 18) Your plans are progressing, but they are drawing static from upstairs. On one level, the powers that be seem very much in tune with your ideas. They just have serious misgivings about costs and whether or not your plans are realistic. You need to show them that your plans fit the budget, that they will fulfill the intended purpose and that you can follow through. Do that and objections will evaporate. Your plans will evolve further as you satisfy these concerns. Develop new habits.

??TAURUS (Apr. 19 ? May 19) Life?s waiting for you to make a move. You need to keep the money flowing, of course. But to succeed, you need to spend as much time figuring out who you are and what you really want as anything else. It?s not a matter of finding something that?s out there and fitting into it. It?s more about understanding who you are and creating a life around that. You are beginning a new cycle of growth and prosperity, but self-knowledge and self-healing will remain priorities.

??GEMINI (May 20 ? June 19) You?re facing a chorus of contradictory appeals for economic fairness amidst a whirlwind of conflicting issues. The political cross-currents are unreal. No detailed plan will satisfy everyone, let alone inspire cooperation. But meeting these challenges will absolutely require cooperation. Return to fundamentals; choose a basic strategy that will provide economic opportunity for the greatest number. Let people work out the details for themselves. They will end up cooperating in spite of themselves. You have enough leverage to ensure the outcome is fair to all.

??CANCER (June 20 ? July 21) Cancer?s concern for others is uppermost, again. People are facing difficult and rapid changes with limited resources. You?re in less turmoil, though, and your mind is clearer. You firmly believe that others can stay within budget, make needed changes and come out better off. To help others figure out how, dig down past popular interpretations of the present situation. The ideas you find are likely to be unfamiliar, though, and you?ll need proceed gradually, case by case. Put your famous intuition into high gear.

??LEO (July 22 ? Aug. 21) Leos are escaping the worst of current turmoil?mostly. However, economic conditions are taking a toll on family relationships. Present expectations are financially unrealistic; they are also outdated and no longer relevant. They probably weren?t well-thought out to begin with anyway. Huddle with family members and keep talking until you have redefined expectations. A heart-to-heart discussion about financial realities could avoid a lot of grief. You can?t just wait this rough spot out; Leo?s next economic growth cycle doesn?t start until July 2014.

??VIRGO (Aug. 22 ? Sept. 21) Virgos may see more excitability among key associates. Terms like ?emotional volatility? and ?high anxiety? come to mind. Financial conditions are causing alarm, again. Stubborn issues need to be resolved before peace and stability can return. You aren?t directly involved, which allows detachment. You have insight into the problems and some leverage over the situation. You?ll also find it easier than before to tell the bosses what they need to hear. Use your advantages to help restore calm. Personal finances will ease by summer.

??LIBRA (Sept. 22 ? Oct. 21) Many in your life are maneuvering frantically to stay afloat and on course in rough economic seas. Rumors are flying. Scandals are brewing. Lives are changing. Librans have a great advantage, though. They have the freedom to focus narrowly on their own financial challenges. They can more easily navigate today?s difficulties, too, finding opportunities where others find obstacles. People need clarity, now, and your efforts to bring clarity to your own financial situation will bring clarity for others. Others can successfully follow your example.

??SCORPIO (Oct. 22 ? Nov. 20) Scorpios enjoy a surprising degree of leverage over the otherwise turbulent and worrisome world around them. You don?t have the answers. Nobody does, right now. But your personal efforts to achieve understanding are unusually fruitful and helpful to others. Hard choices must be made. It?s time to break old patterns and defy expectations. Your insights can help others make the needed break with the past in the least disruptive and most harmonious way, even if that involves defying authority or disappointing old, faithful allies.

??SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 21 ? Dec. 20) New economic possibilities are rapidly emerging; a better life beckons. But the planets are requiring higher ethical standards along with the usual ingenuity and hard work. Your heart, your mind, and especially your conscience, are asking you to harmonize financial and ethical considerations more carefully than ever before. And more so than ever before, cutting ethical corners could cost you and others the success you all desire. However, the reward for giving your conscience the last word will be greater than you probably imagine.

??CAPRICORN (Dec. 21 ? Jan. 18) You should tread much more lightly than your confidence and optimism seem to warrant. Resistance to your ideas and the obstacles to your plans are greater than you think. And objections to your plans deserve your attention. Re-examine fundamental assumptions; rethink goals and methods. Work through the details with others. You will be surprised at how quickly resistance turns to agreement and cooperation. In the process, you will find that your own expectations for the future evolve in a more realistic and promising direction.

??AQUARIUS (Jan. 19 ? Feb. 17) Many things are interfering with your ability to make important decisions. Not the least of which is a level of defensiveness unusual for self-assertive Aquarians. People seem unwilling to take you at face value. Your conscience could also be troubling you about questionable behavior, dubious acts committed a long time ago. This is unusual advice for Aquarius, I know. But you can compensate for these obstacles to clarity by consulting more often and more intensively with key associates and those in positions of power.


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