Sunday, January 6, 2013

Health insurance companies across the country are seeking - Althouse

"... even though one of the biggest STATED objectives of the Obama administration?s health care law was to stem the rapid rise in insurance costs for consumers."


We will all pay more for Obamacare through higher premiums and higher taxes. You know, because it's free!. Thank you, santa.

The fix is in. As soon as the competitive health care market is destroyed, only a few of the big insurance companies will be left standing. They will willingly be taken over by the government (with sweet payoffs to the higher-ups) and we will have single payer government controlled "gotta ask permission first" health care.
It will be horrid.

Most commenters on this blog are not surprised. Exceptions are the libs.

The good news is we're finding out what's in it.

Insurance companies like higher costs. They're not on the side you'd imagine.

The more it costs, the more people need insurance against it who had formerly just paid for whatever it was.

More customers for insurance.

As usual, those who designed this thing have confused price control with cost control.

As usual, those who designed this thing have confused price control with cost control.

"Seeking and winning"? Hell, all ours did was send a notice informing. Someone has to pay for all that free stuff. Not surprisingly, it turns out to be the low-consumption 18-year-olds, not the insurance company.

The greater the demand for "free", the higher the cost will be....

"...even though ... Obama ... "

"Even though" = "because". Duh.

Small business owner here. Since OweBama care became law, my health insurance premiums have gone from $8,000/year to $13,000/year.

Vilification of health insurance companies is part of the plan. How dare they seek to cover the new higher costs of doing business under Obama Care.
Insurance companies are now forced to cover everything, despite the risk. The whole idea of buying health insurance in case of an emergency and covering the small cost on your own, is out the window.

If the federal government ran the auto insurance industry the way it runs health insurance, a set of replacement tires would cost $4,000. And the pols would pat themselves on the back for making the evil insurance companies cover this necessity. And with deductibles and co-insurance, the consumer would only pay about $300-400. Which would be, you know, such an improvement over the evil free-market system.

I work in healthcare billing; I deal with insurers every day. Every state whose Medicaid system I deal with is going to an "HMO" model where companies like Anthem and Aetna cover medicaid recipients. Great for the recipients I guess, but the state pays the insurer less for those people & the premium increases get passed on to commercial customers. In addition, the PPACA says that these companies have to offer coverage without medical underwriting. Great for people with pre-existing chronic conditions, but now all people share the increased cost of those policies. No surprise that the cost of insuring the population of a state the size of California has gone up.
What got me about the article was this line: The proposed increases compare with about 4 percent for families with employer-based policies.
4% out of my pocket, yes. The other 16% of the increase is being paid by my employer and means that raises this year didn't even offset the end of the payroll tax holiday, much less keep up with inflation.

I wonder when supporters will be surprised at the cost increases? They're oblivious to reality, but some are noticing the SS tax change.


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