Sunday, January 6, 2013

Gamers Frag the Narrative | Misfit Politics

Since the CT shooting in Newtown I?ve often ranted and raved against the media narrative mainly pushed by misinformed republicans that somehow video games are a huge problem in our world and they need to be regulated, toned down, etc since its causing regular people who play them to become psycho. It?s a sentiment I vehemently disagreed with. How can we seek to censor games which are a form of free speech and expression protected by the 1st amendment and at the same time scream the 2nd amendment should be holy writ? It?s a thought ?that web comic and charity creators Mike Krahulik and Jerry Holkins ?summed up nicely here.











I could rant and rave all day about how playing a video game does not make you a violent killer and how gamers are normal people but I?m up against a mutli-front supported media narrative, and if you?ve tried drunkenly putting out a bonfire with not but your own ?rental beer? you?ll know its a exercise in futility. I can, however, always count on the Alt-Con to learn about how awesome something outside the narrative is so I want to tell you about the latest development in the gaming world that makes the sensationalized MSM narrative look silly, not that it needs help.

If any of you are as big a fan of the web comic known as Penny Arcade?as I am you?ll also know they created a charity not long ago known as ?Childs Play.? The idea behind it was that there are children in Hospitals that could use the help of the very large gaming community and we help them through the power of play. Whether it be video games, toys, or books, the gaming community would step up and deliver a reason to smile to these kids who are fighting sickness, and sometimes death. For a full grasp of what this charity does you should read these awesome?testimonials. A free Misfit tee to anyone who doesn?t tear up when reading them. You won?t get one if you don?t cry because you?re most likely a robot and wouldn?t appreciate it anyway.

Last year gamers managed to raise $5,085,760 to help these children in hospitals. I could try to tell you how incredible that is but the website says it best?

The term ?record-setting? doesn?t do our final total justice, nor does incredible, amazing, generous, or overwhelming.

As a lifelong gamer I cannot tell you how proud I am to see this. The community is putting innumerable smiles on little faces and that is something mighty.

Next time someone tries to tell you that games and gamers are dangerous, or a blight on our nation, you be sure to let them know what was done on behalf of the children across the planet by gamers who silently put down the controller and gave to those in need.

If you want to help or learn more you can hit up the Child?s Play website link. You can also follow them on the Twitterz at @CPCharity and hit up their Facebook here! If you spend a lot of your time with a controller in your hand then jump in and help out!


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