Monday, October 29, 2012

Simplify your life {Week 44: Holidays ... - Home Life Simplified

Last week we set out our intentions for the holiday season. This week we will start to plan and organise so your holiday period can be filled with fun and happiness rather than stress and tantrums.

I am going to lay out some questions for you to go through and get you thinking about what you want to do. There are quite a few great free planning printables out there which I rounded up last week. As with household binders?printables?the key is to only use what you need ? just because someone makes a printable does not mean you need it. Part of keeping things simple is knowing where to draw the line with organising tools and getting on with things. If a list in your phone or day planner will work for you then do that even if it is not pretty.

Before you get to the step of writing your to do lists and shopping lists and more we need to ask some questions and be intentional again.

Look at previous years and make notes

What recipes were a hit (or a flop)?

How was your timing (did you do too much last minute, was your lead up frazzled)?

Think about your home and how it served you if you hosted any festivities (do you need more supplies? chairs? do you need to host outside your home if your group has grown?)

Talk to your family and involve them

What does each person love the most and insist on doing (this helps if you are thinking of cutting back and select letting go of something (say the whole advent activities tradition), but it turns out that is the one thing your son looks forward to each year)

Get any feedback on what they would love to try this year or what they did not like last year.

Have realistic expectations

Try to remember your intentions and how you hope to feel [link here]. Try to remember that a holiday is not wonderful simply because you baked four dozen cookies or hand made every gift. What is the holiday about for you? Remember that and let yourself off the hook for anything that is not going to add to your holiday experience. If it causes a knot in your stomach pause and rethink it.

Your challenge this week is to think about the above and look at the list below and start planning for the holidays you celebrate. If you look at this now you have plenty of time so don?t feel pressured. Just start making notes and chatting with your family and then start to put a plan into place for what you need to do in the coming weeks.

  1. Think about what events / activities you will host? what will you attend? any volunteering or donations to coordinate?
  2. Look at your decorations ? what do you have? what do you need?
  3. Mark everything you commit to into your diary, a calendar or your phone. You might want to print off some blank calendar sheets for November and December to keep handy and plan with.
  4. Plan your menus ? whether you are hosting family meals, friends or simply need to get the shopping done before the supermarkets close for the holiday you will want to be organised with your food and household supplies.
  5. Once you have your meals planned think about your shopping list, cooking order (anything you can do in advance to make it easier), what is anyone else contributing (tick it off your list), pre-order your turkey / ham/seafood if needed.
  6. Holiday cards ? if you give/send them make a list of who you will send them to, gather addresses, start writing them. My tip is to organise this early and count up how many stamps you need and buy them before December gets busy and the post office lines are long. I don?t write the cards straight away, but I have all my postage ready for overseas and Australian cards.
  7. Make a gift list ? ideas, budget, stores to visit, online sites you can shop from, donations of presents and food, ?include a few simple gifts to keep on hand for last minute hostess gifts or gift exchanges.
  8. Plan advent activities if you have this tradition. I have shared before my list of advent ideas as I do a combination of gifts, books, food, crafts, activities and outings. If you want to start this tradition I shared a round up of advent calendar ideas.
  9. Wrap gifts ? purchase gift wrap, bags, bows, ribbon ? whatever you like to do stock up in advance so you don?t have to hit the shops at the last minute. Any leftovers can be used next year. When possible take advantage of free gift wrapping at stores or gold coin donation / fundraisers services in shopping malls.
  10. Think about the extras: holiday music (CDs and download), any special clothes for events, supplies for guests you may be hosting, any odd jobs you need to do to get your home ready for guests.


Find your simple,



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Image credit: flickr user?kisocci


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