Saturday, September 29, 2012

Video: 2,588 pull-ups later, injury suspends record bid

>> to the scene of david goggins' guinness world record attempt.

>> the goal was the most pullups in a 24-hour period. the old mark 4,020. david was well on his way on thursday, as you see here, after just six and a half hours, will have reach the halfway point. tired just watching that.

>> david , good morning to you.

>> good morning.

>> tell us what happened.

>> well, about five and a half hours i felt something in my wrist snap. basically these pullup bars move and i'm used to working on stationary ones and these sway side to side. my forearm over a period of time so i was losing a lot of energy.

>> these are portable bars. you brought them, but this is not the one you normally used or practiced on.

>> as you see here. we had the hopes rear, and about hour eight, just going everywhere and like every hour it got worse and worse.

>> how long were you in pain?

>> pretty much -- i had 2011 mullups done in six hours and only got 2,500 so it was like six, seven hours.

>> and you wanted to keep going.

>> right.

>> kind of had to drag you out of here. what did it take to get you over to the x-ray?

>> got to the point where i couldn't grab the bar anymore and hung on to it. a torn muscle in my forearm.

>> all is not lost. doing this for a great cause. raised a bunch of money, raised $10,000.

>> right.

>> tell us about the cause.

>> special warrior foundation operation. and that was my mission, my mission is accomplished. it wasn't about breaking the record. it's about having america know more about this great cause, sending kids to college and raising awareness so, you know, i'm still here. i'll get back up and do it again. injuries happen, but i feel good.

>> we have a special gift basket for you.

>> yeah.

>> i see aleve, advil.

>> a little bengay.

>> a couple of five guys burgers would be pretty good.

>> thanks for having me.

>> a lot of women doing window shopping yesterday as you do your shirtless pullups.

>> exactly.

>> congratulations on a good cause.

>> thank you again. don't forget

>> you got it.


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