Sunday, August 26, 2012

Time management: A key to success | Self improvement tips ...

The key aspect of time management is to understand the importance of using time effectively as ?Time is money? as well as ?Time is a source of competitive advantage.?

To understand the nature and characteristics of time so that they can utilize that knowledge to effectively manage their time.

To understand why time is wasted in an organization and how to eliminate the causes of time wastage.

To establish their own time management system or to improve upon their existing time management system after taking into consideration the concepts and ideas discussed in the program.

The art of time is about putting every hour, minute and second into productive work. So lets do it?

Lets give our bodies a 5 hour sleep period as it necessary for health. If you are not young then you can sleep for 6-7 hours max. The point here is that sleep is a good thing, it refreshes your body and with no activity your brain power can rest. It is important to have a great sleep.

So we are left with only 18 hours now on average basis, Lets make these hours really work for you. Before you jump into filling up you daily schedule with lots of tasks lets take a step backwards. Look back to the past week or so, what are the most important things you need to for the future. If you have immediate tasks and responsibilities coming up then they take the higher priority so make a list of them. Now, try to come up with a long list of everything you think you should be doing for today. A long list is a very detailed list in case you didn?t know. Divide each task into smaller elements, for example, if you are going to write an article then dividing it into little tasks mean counting research, inspiration, draft write up, link baiting, to finalizing draft and publishing it. Knowing the little details allow you to dedicate a certain amount of time to each task this way if you thought writing a article would only take an hour would not end costing you 2 hours on researching alone. Keep

doing this for all the tasks you have to do for the day.

Listing all the stuff in your time sheet is not enough, you have to actually stick to it and perform each of them to the second, so if you assigned yourself with 20 minutes of research as soon as your 20 minutes are up stop the research and move on to the next task. Don?t worry if your research sucks, you don?t expect to become extremely efficient in just one day did you?

Only the Practice will make you perfect! the first a few days are going to be rough but after that your brain and positive energy adjust themselves to your new routine. The trick is not to go back to the old you, it?s like quitting smoking for 2 days but picking it up again, you won?t problem free because of those 2 days.

When your level of efficiency picks up you?ll realize that before you were spending 2 hours on research like tasks that were getting you no where to now that you can do resulting research in just 15 minutes. Now just imagine with your new level of efficiency if you had 2 hours to do tasks you normally do in 15 minutes, imagine the glorious results. This is actually how quality and innovation happens. You can apply this to almost any task you can imagine. I personally even analyze my driving, shopping, online surfing, books and magazine readings and everything else you can imagine.

I only started to really care about my time since mid last year and it has done wonders for me in terms of my performance at work, my side projects and running multiple sites and managing couple of web projects. Without managing my time i would have never been able to take care of 2 projects let alone the things i do now!

Time Management is one of those important elements that contribute to any type of success. Manage your time effectively and efficiently and you?ll be able to manage every thing in your life from your house to million $$$ empire.

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This entry was posted on Friday, August 24th, 2012 at 10:08 pm and is filed under initiate. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.


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