Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The Zeals

The Zeals

(Reboot) An ancient prophecy tells a tale of divine beings who will either protect humanity... or enslave it.


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The Protagonist
Member for 1 years

Hi, can i reserve The zeal of ghosts?

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Member for 0 years

I would like to reserve the Zeal of Metal

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Member for 2 years

Hm, nice story-line you have here Protagonist ^_^ Hm, i'm a bit torn between Earth and Shape-Shifting but I think I will go with reserving the Zeal of Shape-shifting.

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Member for 3 years

May I create my old Zeal of Fire?

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Member for 1 years

May I please reserve the Zeal of Sound? Thank you!

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Member for 0 years

Can I reserve the Zeal of lightning? ^^


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Can I reserve Zeal of Forcefields?

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btw...what exactly the field of forcefields power? (like specifically?)

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Pretty much like using them to block of areas, surround people and grab objects (though, not as strong as Telekinesis for balancing reasons). Also, forcefields will break if they take too much damage.

Last edited by The Protagonist on Sun May 27, 2012 11:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
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The Protagonist
Member for 1 years

Thanks ^^ I think I got the idea and the character as well (already working on it)

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Quick question, what would Sound's power be? Just wanted to check before I get everything completely wrong xD

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The ability to fire soundwaves, enhanced hearing for distance and vibrations and of course a sonic scream.

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The Protagonist
Member for 1 years

So, does the Water Zeal have control over water, and Poison can... I don't know, poison someone without an aid?

(I'm interested in both of these roles, so the more info the easier it'll be to decide! Thanks.)

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