Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Man says Nigeria kidnapping like 'an action movie' (AP)

BOWDON, Ga. ? Two men came out of nowhere as Greg Ock's car idled in traffic in a remote Nigerian town. One shot his security guard five times and stole the dead man's gun, while the other ushered Ock into a tiny getaway car, where a waiting driver sped away.

The car weaved through traffic on side roads and then sped to a main road, where police, known there as "mopols," had erected a roadblock. Ock's captors crashed through the barricade and traded fire with a truck of police officers, who narrowly missed Ock.

"I felt like I was in an action movie," Ock told The Associated Press at his west Georgia home on Monday, a day after he returned to his family. As they were speeding away from the police, he said he told his guards: "I was more afraid of mopols than you guys."

Ock, 50, was held seven days and then released Friday after he was kidnapped Jan. 20 in Warri, a main city in the Niger Delta, an oil-rich area where foreign firms pump 2.4 million barrels of crude oil a day.

Ock worked in construction for decades, landing gigs all over the U.S. and as far away as Abu Dhabi. He loved the work, the camaraderie and the pay, which helped him support a wife and four daughters.

He landed in the Nigerian town of Sapele in September 2010 to begin one of his more adventurous assignments, maintaining gas turbines and other heavy machinery for Marubeni Corp.

It was tough work and the perks weren't enticing. The food was bad, he said, and the heat was unbearable. But he had chances to leave the "little prison" of the company's base camp, often going on Sundays with co-workers and a security guard to a golf course, or to neighboring Benin to eat at a Chinese restaurant.

His journey the day he was ambushed wasn't nearly as adventurous. He went with a driver, a security guard and a company secretary to a clinic in Warri, where he would get a checkup for a recent bout with malaria.

He took out some cash from an ATM, hopped in the car and tuned his iPod to Don Henley as the driver idled in traffic. What happened next seemed to unfold in a flash.

A gunman ran up to his vehicle and yelled "die, mopol, die" as he fired five bullets into the guard. The other gunman ordered Ock out of the car and pushed him toward a tiny red Audi.

"They told me we were an easy target. We didn't have tinted windows and only one mopol," he said. "They told me they wanted a white guy anyways."

They escaped the city, and one of the kidnappers then called Ock's boss and demanded about $330,000 for his safe return.

They drove about an hour, arriving at a squat shack where he was forced into a small room. He shared the room with two or three guards, a plastic chair, piles of dirty dishes, some scattered clothes and a mattress blocking the window.

The men dulled his senses by forcing him to smoke marijuana and drink Baron Del Valle red wine at all hours. He didn't have many food options, either. Early in his captivity, Ock said he asked for boiled eggs. From then on, he got four eggs in the morning and four at night. As a snack, he got apples.

He was told few details about the negotiations his captors were working with his company, adding to his unease. When he was able to sleep, his captors often woke him by cranking an odd mix of local music and Dolly Parton classics from a stereo.

"I was on the edge all the time," he said.

After a few days, he decided to escape. He found a butcher knife resting in a bowl and reached for it when he thought his captors were sleeping. They weren't. One alerted the others, who "slapped me around a bit" and chained him tighter to his chair. Despite the beating, Ock said he wasn't tortured.

The next morning, a guard pulled out a gun and threatened to kill his captive. Ock called his bluff.

"I told them I didn't care," he said. "I've had a good life."

On Thursday, Ock could tell the negotiations were heating up. His captors were celebrating and drinking moonshine. Two of the men left the house around noon, returning five hours later with wide smiles.

Around 3:30 Friday morning, the men dumped Ock in a desolate area with about $12 to hail a scooter to the nearest police station. Once there, he called his boss and his wife to let them know he was OK.

Ock said he wasn't told by either his captors or his company whether a ransom was paid.

"But they seemed happy," he said. "They let me go for a reason ? and I don't think it was because they were out of eggs."

He returned home on Sunday morning, arriving at Atlanta's airport to a rapturous greeting from family and friends. There, a limousine drove him the 60-mile route to rural Bowdon. Someone told Ock to peek out the sunroof as they approached, and when he did he saw about 500 people gathered to celebrate.

Among the gifts he received was a plastic bag with only an egg and an apple. The friend who offered it to him joked that she didn't know if he wanted breakfast or summer, so she brought both.

Ock has no plans to return to Nigeria, instead looking for work closer to home. But his wife Teresa said she doubts his kidnapping will scare him from working another faraway gig.

"It's in his blood to travel," she said. "He may work here for a while. But I know him. He'll get to itching to leave."

For now, Ock is catching up on sleep and making up for lost time.

"It's taken a while to process it all. For us, too," Teresa Ock said. "We're just so thankful for the prayers, from our church, from our community, from everyone who prayed for him."

She glanced at her husband, who summoned an impish smile.

"I guess I've got to go to church now," he said.


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Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/africa/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20120130/ap_on_re_us/us_nigeria_kidnapping

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Genetic regulation of metabolomic biomarkers: Paths to cardiovascular diseases and type 2 diabetes

ScienceDaily (Jan. 29, 2012) ? The research group at the Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland (FIMM) has revealed eleven new genetic regions associated with the blood levels of the metabolites, including new loci affecting well-established risk markers for cardiovascular disease and potential biomarkers for type 2 diabetes.

In a study to the genetic variance of human metabolism, researchers have identified thirty one regions of the genome that were associated with levels of circulating metabolites, i.e., small molecules that take part in various chemical reactions of human body. Many of the studied metabolites are biomarkers for cardiovascular disease or related disorders, thus the loci uncovered may provide valuable insight into the biological processes leading to common diseases.

Laboratory tests used in the clinic typically monitor one or few circulating metabolites. The researchers at the Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland (FIMM) used a high throughput method called nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) that can measure more than hundred different metabolites in one assay. This provides a much more in-depth picture of circulating metabolic compounds.

"Using this extensive analysis in thousands of people, we could identify a large number of genetic loci regulating the level of compounds circulating in the blood stream," says Dr. Samuli Ripatti, the leader of the study.

The team assayed 117 detailed metabolic markers, including lipoprotein subclasses, amino acids and lipids, and conducted the largest genome-wide association analysis of this type, in terms of study sample size of 8330 individuals from six Finnish population-based cohorts and 7.7 million genomic markers studied. They revealed, in total, 31 genetic regions associated with the blood levels of the metabolites.

Eleven of the loci had not been previously shown to be associated with any metabolic measures.

Among the findings were two new loci affecting serum cholesterol subclass measures, well-established risk markers for cardiovascular disease, and five new loci affecting levels of amino acids recently discovered to be potential biomarkers for type 2 diabetes. The discovered variants have significant effects on the metabolite levels, the effect sizes being in general considerably larger than the known common variants for complex disease have.

Also, using Finnish twin pair samples, the researchers indicated that the metabolite levels show a high degree of heritability. "This result suggests that the studied metabolites are describing better the underlying biology than the routinely used laboratory tests. Therefore, the study provides further support for the use of detailed data on multitude of metabolites in genetic studies to provide novel biological insights and to help in elucidating the processes leading to common diseases," Dr. Ripatti says.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of Helsinki, via AlphaGalileo.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Johannes Kettunen, Taru Tukiainen, Antti-Pekka Sarin, Alfredo Ortega-Alonso, Emmi Tikkanen, Leo-Pekka Lyytik?inen, Antti J Kangas, Pasi Soininen, Peter W?rtz, Kaisa Silander, Danielle M Dick, Richard J Rose, Markku J Savolainen, Jorma Viikari, Mika K?h?nen, Terho Lehtim?ki, Kirsi H Pietil?inen, Michael Inouye, Mark I McCarthy, Antti Jula, Johan Eriksson, Olli T Raitakari, Veikko Salomaa, Jaakko Kaprio, Marjo-Riitta J?rvelin, Leena Peltonen, Markus Perola, Nelson B Freimer, Mika Ala-Korpela, Aarno Palotie, Samuli Ripatti. Genome-wide association study identifies multiple loci influencing human serum metabolite levels. Nature Genetics, 2012; DOI: 10.1038/ng.1073

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Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.

Source: http://feeds.sciencedaily.com/~r/sciencedaily/~3/sevm_yAy_xs/120129151007.htm

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Monday, January 30, 2012

Etta James remembered as triumphant trailblazer (AP)

GARDENA, Calif. ? Etta James was remembered at a service Saturday attended by hundreds of friends, family and fans as a woman who triumphed against all odds to break down cultural and musical barriers in a style that was unfailingly honest.

The Rev. Al Sharpton eulogized James in a rousing speech, describing her remarkable rise from poverty and pain to become a woman whose music became an enduring anthem for weddings and commercials.

Perhaps most famously, President Barack Obama and the first lady shared their first inaugural ball dance to a version of the song sung by Beyonce. Sharpton on Saturday opened his remarks by reading a statement from the president.

"Etta will be remembered for her legendary voice and her contributions to our nation's musical heritage," Obama's statement read.

The Grammy-winning singer died Jan. 20 after battling leukemia and other ailments, including dementia. She had retreated from public life in recent years, but on Saturday her legacy was on display as mourners of all ages and races converged on the City of Refuge church in Gardena, south of downtown Los Angeles.

Among the stars performing tributes to James were Stevie Wonder and Christina Aguilera, who told the gathering that she has included "At Last" in every concert she's performed as a tribute to her musical inspiration.

Wonder performed three songs, including "Shelter In the Rain" and a harmonica solo. James' rose-draped casket was on display, surrounded by wreaths and floral arrangements and pictures of the singer.

Sharpton, who met James when he was an up-and-coming preacher, credited her with helping break down racial barriers through her music.

"She was able to get us on the same rhythms and humming the same ballads and understanding each other's melodies way before we could even use the same hotels," Sharpton said.

He said James' fame and influence would have been unthinkable to a woman with James' background ? growing up in a broken home during segregation and at times battling her own demons.

"The genius of Etta James is she flipped the script," Sharpton said, alluding to her struggles with addiction, which she eventually overcame.

"She waited until she turned her pain into power," he said, adding that it turned her story away from being a tragic one into one of triumph.

"You beat `em Etta," Sharpton said in concluding his eulogy. "At last. At last. At last!"

The assembly roared to their feet, and would again stand to applaud performances by Wonder and Aguilera, who filled the sanctuary with their voices.

"Out of all the singers that I've ever heard, she was the one that cut right to my soul and spoke to me," Aguilera said before her performance.

Throughout the service, a portrait of James as a woman who beat the odds in pursuit of her dreams repeatedly emerged.

"Etta is special to me and for me, because she represents the life, the triumphs, the tribulations of a lot of black women all over this world," said U.S. Rep Maxine Waters, D-Calif.

"It does not matter who sang `At Last' before or after Etta. It does not matter when it was sung, or where it was sung. `At Last' was branded by Etta, the raunchy diva ? that's her signature and we will always remember her."

James won four Grammy Awards, including a lifetime achievement honor and was inducted in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1993. In her decades-long career, she became revered for her passionate, soulful singing voice.

She scored her first hit when she was just a teenager with the suggestive "Roll With Me, Henry," which had to be changed to "The Wallflower" in order to get airplay. Her 1967 album, "Tell Mama," became one of the most highly regarded soul albums of all time, a mix of rock and gospel music.

She rebounded from a heroin addiction to see her career surge after performing the national anthem at the 1984 Olympics in Los Angeles. She won her first Grammy Award a decade later, and two more in 2003 and 2004.

James is survived by her husband of 42 years, Artis Mills and two sons, Donto and Sametto James.

"Mom, I love you," Donto James said during brief remarks. "When I get to the gates, can you please be there for me?"


Follow Anthony McCartney at http://twitter.com/mccartneyAP

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/celebrity/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20120128/ap_en_ce/us_etta_james_funeral

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Connecticut Car Insurance | Cheapest Car Insurance

The state of Connecticut makes sure that they implement their car insurance laws in the state very strictly. And that would mean that drivers should have liability insurance with them whenever they hit the road. Failing to do this would result to penalties which could have been avoided if the driver just followed the rules obediently. This is clearly stated in the Connecticut car insurance law and drivers and people get into a lot of hassle by not abiding this.

The minimum of coverage that the state requires is 20/40/10. That means that $20,000 for a person that is injured in the accident, $40,000 of there are multiple injured persons in the accident, and then $10,000 for the properties like walls and fences that got damaged. The authorities in Connecticut also make sure that a driver would be able to submit a valid proof of insurance before getting their car registered. If the driver fails to present this document, he would pay a fine of $200 and the registration of the vehicle would be put on hold until the owner would be able to present a valid proof of insurance. They also do routine stops to every vehicle on the highway to check if the driver has a proof of insurance with him. If the authorities find out that you are on the road without any proof that you are insured with the minimum liability coverage you will be paying a fine depending on the rules that you broke and there is also a great possibility that your registration would be suspended for a considerable amount of time.

Regarding insurances that have already lapsed, Connecticut has a Mandatory Insurance reporting law that requires insurance companies to inform DMV if an insurance policy has already been cancelled or expired. If this is the case the driver would be sent a notice informing him of the said predicament and then advising him of the actions that he has to take. Inaction to these types of notices would lead to a considerable amount of fines or suspension of driver?s license. Connecticut is one of the states in the county that takes traffic laws really seriously. This is not just a way for them to ensure you safety but the safety of other motorists and public properties as well.

If you are wondering where to find the best car insurance companies in the state, it would be best for you to use the internet in looking for one. You can find a lot of well established companies in the state that have used the internet as a tool to reach other customers. You can find cheap quotes through websites that offer this type of information to interested buyers. The good thing is that the process would be very quick and you don?t have to go through dealing with paper works just to get a quote. Sometimes all you need to do is give out your zip code and some basic information and then you will already see your best options. It would be a great trick if you would collect as many quotes as you can, compare the rate of the premiums, make a little research about the company that you like, and then contact them to buy the insurance.



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Source: http://cheapestcarautoinsurance.com/car-insurance-by-state/connecticut-car-insurance/

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Sunday, January 29, 2012

Authorities to end camping at Occupy DC sites

Karen Bleier / AFP

A view showing the Occupy DC encampment in McPherson Square in Washington, DC, on January 22, 2012.

By Miranda Leitsinger, msnbc.com

Federal park authorities in the nation's capital told Occupy protesters at two sites on Friday that they will begin enforcing park rules that prohibit camping -- a move seen by the activists as a "slow creep" aimed at whittling down their?demonstration in Washington, DC.

The National Park Service said in a flier that?starting Monday at noon?it will begin to enforce?regulations?prohibiting camping and the use of temporary structures for camping. Individual violators may be subject to arrest and their property subject to seizure as evidence, the flier said.

Three?officers will be on hand to monitor the situation, try to get protesters to comply and make arrests or seizures as needed, Carol Johnson, a NPS spokeswoman, told msnbc.com. Compliance entails removing all camping materials and leaving one side of all temporary structures open.

?People can be there 24 hours a day, but they can?t live there, they can?t sleep there,? Johnson said. ?This has been something in the works for some time. I mean what we?ve been trying to do is use measured and progressive means to get people into compliance.?

?We still do back the First Amendment, and it is their right. It is not their right to camp. And ... we would,?you know,?support them if they came into compliance and they had a vigil and they had tents that were there for logistical or symbolic purposes,? she added. "They can occupy as a vigil but not camping."

More than 80 arrests have occurred at the two sites, including for public urination, drunkenness, assault and drug use, she noted.

Many of the Occupy camps were closed across the country last fall and early winter, and the sites in the nation's capital were two of the bigger outfits remaining. Occupy Wall Street, which was evicted in mid-November, holds its general assemblies in their former camp site, while other group meetings are held elsewhere.

Justin Jacoby Smith, a 25-year-old activist with OccupyKSt, said that the protesters were conducting a 24-hour vigil in line with the NPS use guidelines for the site and that he thought people were "incorrectly" reading the NPS moves as an eviction notice.

"I don?t think that?s what we?re dealing with here. I think what we?re seeing from the park police is a sort of very slow creep of their enforcement of this so-called no-camping rule," he said, adding that he thought the enforcement was also ?just another part of that broader strategy of trying to whittle down the (protester) numbers slowly.?

The Park Service noted that two "compliant" 24-hour First Amendment vigils have been?running in Lafayette Park and near the Vietnam Veterans Memorial since the early 1980s. Johnson said they were "very small" vigils.

The House?Oversight and Government Reform Subcommittee held a hearing on Tuesday about the McPherson Square encampment.

"Late is better than never,"?Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., chairman of the subcommittee on the District of Columbia, said in a statement after learning of the park service notice.?"Lady Justice is blindfolded for a reason: so as not to see who is in front of her. I continue to wonder whether others who are 'camping' in national parks would have been afforded a 100-day grace period before the law was enforced."


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Source: http://usnews.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2012/01/27/10252554-authorities-to-end-camping-at-occupy-dc-sites-not-eviction-but-slow-creep-activist-says

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Saturday, January 28, 2012

Officer in Katrina shootings probe to be retried

Prosecutors intend to retry a retired police sergeant charged with helping cover up deadly shootings on a New Orleans bridge after Hurricane Katrina.

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U.S. Attorney Jim Letten made the announcement late Friday but declined to provide further comment.

Earlier on Friday, U.S. District Judge Kurt Engelhardt declared a mistrial in the case of Gerard Dugue, ruling that Justice Department prosecutor Bobbi Bernstein may have tainted the jury hearing the trial by mentioning the name of a man who was beaten to death by a New Orleans police officer in a case unrelated to Dugue's.

Dugue was on trial for charges he wrote a false report on the shootings of unarmed residents on the Danziger Bridge, less than a week after the August 2005 hurricane. The case was expected to go to the jury early next week, the last of 20 New Orleans police officers who were charged by the Justice Department's civil rights division to get his day in court.

Engelhardt ruled that Justice Department prosecutor Bobbi Bernstein may have unfairly influenced the jury hearing Dugue's trial by mentioning the name of a man who was beaten to death by a New Orleans police officer in a case unrelated to Dugue's.

Bernstein argued that merely mentioning Raymond Robair's last name couldn't amount to any prejudice against Dugue. The retired sergeant wasn't charged in the Robair case, but the judge said it's impossible to know if any jurors heard her remark and drew any negative conclusions.

"That's a chance that I'm not willing to take," he said, adding that a mistrial was "the last thing in the world I want to do."

The hurricane, which struck Louisiana and Mississippi on Aug. 29, 2005, drove a wall of water into the coast. Levees broke and flooded roughly 80 percent of New Orleans, plunging the city into chaos and subjecting police to harsh, dangerous conditions.

The storm also cast a spotlight on a troubled police department that has been plagued by corruption for decades. In Katrina's aftermath, federal authorities launched a new push to clean up the police force. The criminal probes were only part of the effort. The Justice Department also embarked on a top-to-bottom review of the department that produced a scathing report on its practices.

Before the trial started, Engelhardt barred prosecutors from introducing evidence related to Dugue's involvement in the department's probe of Robair's death. Defense attorney Claude Kelly asked for a mistrial after he heard Bernstein turn to a colleague and say, "Get me Robair," while cross-examining Dugue. Bernstein was asking for a file related to the Robair case.

Bernstein said she wanted to ask Dugue about his report in the Robair case to show he knows how to properly write a report and is capable of assessing whether witnesses are credible or not.

Kelly, however, said Bernstein's "outrageous behavior" could have left jurors with the impression that Dugue was suspected of wrongdoing in the Robair case. Engelhardt angrily scolded Bernstein, saying she should have privately discussed the matter with him at the bench if she thought she could broach the subject.

"My orders are my orders, and I expect them to be followed," he said.

Earlier Friday, on the fifth day of his trial, Dugue denied participating in a cover-up, claiming he didn't learn until years later that police shot innocent, unarmed people on the bridge.

Dugue said he now knows some of his former colleagues lied to him about their actions on the bridge less than a week after the 2005 storm. He said he didn't learn the truth ? that police shot six people, killing two, without justification ? until after other officers started cooperating with a federal probe of the shootings and pleaded guilty in 2010 to participating in a cover-up.

"If anybody says anything about me being involved in a cover-up, they're a liar," he said.

Prosecutors said Dugue rigged his investigation of the Sept. 4, 2005, shootings and submitted a false report to clear several officers who opened fire on the bridge as they responded to another officer's distress call.

During her cross-examination of Dugue, Bernstein pressed him to explain why he didn't do more to verify or challenge the officers' accounts of the shootings.

"Your job is not to just type out what people say and be done," Bernstein said.

Dugue said he didn't have the "supporting cast" to conduct a more thorough investigation because the police department was overwhelmed in Katrina's chaotic aftermath.

"I didn't have the tools, the resources, the people to do that teamwork," Dugue said. "It wasn't there."

He wasn't charged in the shootings and didn't get involved in the case until six weeks later, when he was assigned to take over the department's investigation. Prosecutors said the cover-up, which included a planted gun, phony witnesses and falsified reports, already was in motion when Dugue inherited the investigation from Sgt. Arthur Kaufman in October 2005.

Dugue said his "jaw dropped" when he learned Kaufman hadn't collected any shell casings or other physical evidence from the scene of the shootings. Dugue said he immediately dispatched a crime scene technician to comb over the bridge. Still, Dugue insisted he didn't have any reason to suspect that Kaufman or the shooters were lying.

"I did not know anything about any kind of cover-up," he said.

Kaufman is one of five current or former officers convicted in August of civil rights violations stemming from the shootings. They are scheduled to be sentenced April 3.


Copyright 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

Source: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/46170731/ns/us_news/

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'Tartan Butler' helps visitors trace their roots

Courtesy of Rocco Forte Hotels

The Balmoral Hotel in Edinburgh, Scotland, stands behind Andy Fraser, its recently anointed "Tartan Butler" who helps guests learn about their family history.

By Tanya Mohn, msnbc.com contributor

America may be a diverse nation, but one thing most of us share is that our ancestors came from other countries.?And many of us share a?curiosity to learn more about those long-lost relatives.

The Rocco Forte?s Balmoral Hotel in Edinburgh, Scotland,?recently announced its newly anointed "Tartan Butler," a concierge named Andy Fraser who helps guests learn about their family history during visits to Scotland.

"It?s something I quite enjoy,? said Fraser, a Scotsman and longtime fan of Scottish and clan history, who has been informally assisting guests for some time on how to track down their Scottish ancestry. ?Before I knew it, it really took off,? said Fraser.?Both the position and title were recently formalized by the hotel.?

Many Americans have Scottish surnames, and when they come to Scotland, wish to?research their clan?s history, Fraser said. ?We?ll sit down and have coffee. I plan itineraries to where their clan originally was from, where they ended up; I help with accommodations,? he said. ?I just give whatever information I can.?

Sometimes it?s as simple as walking guests across the street from the hotel to the ScotlandsPeople Centre, where digitized copies of birth and death records as well as ?coats of arms are archived ? going back almost 500 years. Fraser also arranges drivers and tour guides, organizes customized tours, and helps guests identify family tartans and arrange to have kilts made with the traditional clan designs.

Fraser?s interest in genealogy began when he researched his own Scottish ancestors, which?he traced back to 11th century France. Such research can unearth some surprising results, he said. Two of Scotland?s more popular surnames ? the MacDonalds and the Mackenzies ??originate from ?clans who were at war with each other over land,? he said.

Americans who share those surnames often want to visit Morar, in the Scottish Highlands, where a famous massacre took place in the 17th century between the two clans, a picturesque region of remote villages, where public transportation is limited. ?It?s such a long drive there,? Fraser said, ?but it is spectacularly beautiful to walk through the munros,? or mountains.

Prices vary depending on guests? needs. Once, he chartered a helicopter, Fraser said. And some guests are particularly fond of including whiskey distilleries in their touring plans. ?That?s the one thing I always get from Americans,? he said.

For travelers interested in tracing their own roots,?Paul Nauta, public affairs manager for FamilySearch.org, a free, nonprofit, volunteer-driven?website sponsored by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, offered some?tips to get started:?

  • Begin with your own family. ?The number one thing to do is to contact your oldest living relatives,? Nauta said, and also talk to other relatives. "Write down everything they know about family history. And gather family documents, like birth certificates, marriage records.? As you start asking around, it isn?t unusual to find relatives who have informally been family historians, he said. ?They often have the proverbial shoebox with a lot of information and old photos in it.?
  • Contact local groups. FamilySearch Centers, FamilySearch?s network of 4,500 facilities that offer public access to genealogical records, are located in more than 80 countries, Nauta said. And many communities have history and genealogy organizations and local libraries that are excellent sources for research. Many of them ?have people who love to help you,? Nauta said, people who have done their own searches and ?love to pay it forward.?
  • Use online resources.?The Internet has made family history search so much simpler and faster, Nauta said. On Facebook, for example, people can easily search others with the same surname globally. Other sites, like FamilySearch.org, offer more than 500 free courses and online ask-a-question forums to connect with a community of people worldwide who can help you with your personal research for free, Nauta said. Other sites he recommends include: RootsWeb, ancestry.com, archives.com, findmypast.com and myheritage.com. The site deadfred.com helps to identify old photos, such as the date and region of origin.
  • Contact archives abroad before you travel. If you plan to visit archives in another country, get in touch in advance of your trip. In many countries, the record custodians or archivists do not like drop-ins and require appointments, Nauta said. ?Elsewhere in the world, there is not necessarily open access and it is not so public-service oriented.?
  • First and foremost, have fun. ?Stay organized, be patient and realize it's going to take time,? Nauta said. ?Realize that less than 20 percent?of the U.S.'s genealogical records are searchable online today, and less than 5 percent?of the world's,? but millions are being added online weekly, he said.

Cheryl Hargrove, president of HTC? Partners, a consultancy specializing in cultural heritage tourism, said obtaining legal documents is important, as they ?can verify original spelling of names and locations, which may have been altered over the years,? and that it?is also a good idea to take copies when traveling to ancestral homelands for validation and further research.

Hargrove also suggests checking family Bibles, scrapbooks, wills and photographs for?information, and?recommends the U.S. National Archives and Records Administration.

?You can also hire a professional genealogist to help with your search. Ancestry.com can connect you, or you can also contact www.globalgenealogists.com for accredited professional researchers,? she said.

But perhaps Nauta?s best advice is this: ?Beware,? he said. ?You?ll get hooked.? His own family research began in the early 2000s when some preliminary digging began a journey that ended in a small Bari region town in southeast Italy called Cagnano Varano, where his grandfather was born and raised before coming to America in the early 20th century. ?Like millions of people, I had an innate yearning to know my roots,? he said.

A younger-generation Italian relative had seen Nauta?s genealogy posted?on FamilySearch.org and contacted him. ?He had my last name and told me, ?We're related.? He put me in touch with the town archivist who contacted me and said, ?You and I are second cousins, and you?ve got first cousins still living in town, who would love to meet you,?? Nauta recounted. ?It was such a great emotional experience for all of us.??

Soon afterward, Nauta spoke on the phone with a number of relatives and later traveled to Italy. ?It was like we had never not known each other,? said Nauta, who has since been?back many times and has taken several family members. ?Our family has become so much bigger and closer; it?s given us a legacy to live up to,? he said.

More on Itineraries


Source: http://itineraries.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2012/01/26/10244949-tartan-bulter-helps-visitors-trace-their-roots

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Friday, January 27, 2012

Facebook career postings: engineering, ad ops, communications ...

Facebook posted engineering, ad and user operations, sales, technical and marketing jobs to the company?s?Careers?Page and?LinkedIn?feed this week. The company also changed the category of?Platform & Product Marketing to just plain Marketing, in addition to adding several jobs in this category.

Posts added this week on Facebook?s Careers?Page:

  • Kernel Engineer
  • Search Infrastructure
  • Search Ranking
  • Software Engineer, IT Tools
  • Software Engineer, Mobile (Android)
  • Software Engineer, Mobile (iOS)
  • Software Engineer, Tools Engineering
  • Data Scientist
  • International Tax Manager
  • Revenue Assurance Analyst
  • Network Operations Engineer
  • Application Engineer, Infrastructure
  • Software Engineer, Data Center Infrastructure Management
  • Head of Sales Australia & New Zealand (Sydney)
  • Associate, Corporate FP&A
  • Manager, Corporate Communications (Ads)
  • University Business Intern: Platform Partnerships (London)
  • University Business Intern: Sales Operations (Dublin)
  • University Recruiter, Talent Scout ? Contract
  • University Technical Recruiter
  • Sales Training Specialist (Austin)
  • Language Specialist ? Brazilian Portuguese
  • Language Specialist ? Russian
  • Technical Program Manager
  • Technology Partner, Billing and Revenue
  • Technology Partner, Finance
  • Analyst, Measurement Solutions (New York)
  • Manager, Measurement Solutions (NY)
  • Senior Analyst, Custom Market Insights (Sao Paulo)
  • Analyst, Business Operations
  • Manager, Consumer Market Insights (Singapore)
  • Senior Analyst, Consumer Market Insights (Sydney)
  • Executive Assistant (London)
  • Executive Assistant ? Contract (Sao Paulo)
  • Sales Training Specialist (Austin)
  • DSO Account Manager (Sao Paulo)
  • DSO Account Manager (Tokyo)
  • Associate, Ad Operations
  • Associate, Ad Operations (Chicago)
  • Associate, Ad Operations (New York)
  • Associate, Ad Operations (Seoul)
  • Associate, Ad Operations (Singapore)
  • Associate, Ad Operations (Sydney)
  • Associate, Ad Operations (Tokyo)
  • Associate, Ad Operations (Toronto)
  • Media Solutions (Buenos Aires)
  • Account Specialist ? Pan Euro (Dublin)
  • Client Partner, Brand Specialist (Dublin)
  • Manager, Benelux Mid Market Sales ? Dublin
  • Manager, German Mid Market Sales ? Dublin
  • Manager, UK Mid Market Sales ? Dublin
  • Manager,French Mid Market Sales ? Dublin
  • Partner Manager, Ads API, 1111002
  • Analyst, Ad Review Operations
  • Analyst, Risk Operations (Hyderabad)
  • Operational Data Analyst (Austin)
  • Creative Strategist
  • Lead, Measurement Solutions (New York)
  • Marketing Analytics Associate
  • Marketing Analytics Manager
  • Platform Marketing Events Manager
  • Platform Marketing Events Operations Manager

Jobs posted by Facebook on?LinkedIn:

  • Client Partner ? Spanish (Dublin), Facebook
  • Client Partner ? Turkish (Dublin), Facebook
  • Client Partner ? Czech (Dublin), Facebook
  • Client Partner ? German (Dublin), Facebook
  • Head of Marketing Communications, France, Benelux & Switzerland, Facebook
  • Head of Marketing Communications, Germany, Austria & Nordics, Facebook
  • Analyst, User Operations ? Latin American Spanish (Dublin), Facebook
  • Analyst, User Operations ? Brazilian (Dublin), Facebook
  • Analyst, User Operations ? Indonesian (Dublin), Facebook
  • Analyst, User Operations ? Thai (Dublin), Facebook
  • Analyst, User Operations ? Malay (Dublin)Facebook?
  • Analyst, User Operations ? Vietnamese (Dublin)Facebook?
  • Market Researcher Facebook?
  • Quantitative Market Researcher Facebook?
  • User Experience Researcher
  • Analyst, SMB Growth ? German (Dublin)
  • Analyst, SMB Growth ? UK and Ireland (Dublin)
  • Analyst, SMB Growth ? Italian (Dublin)

Who else is hiring? The?Inside Network Job Board?presents a survey of current openings at leading companies in the industry.

Source: http://www.insidefacebook.com/2012/01/26/facebook-career-postings-engineering-ad-ops-communications-user-ops-more/

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Amgen 4Q profit down 9 pct., but sales up 3 pct. (AP)

THOUSAND OAKS, Calif. ? Amgen Inc. said Thursday that its fourth-quarter profit fell 8.5 percent as its expenses for taxes and producing and selling drugs rose faster than its revenue.

The world's largest biotech company said its net income was $934 million, or $1.08 per share, down from $1.02 billion, also $1.08 per share, a year earlier.

Excluding one-time items, it said it earned $1.04 billion, or $1.21 per share, down 6 percent from $1.1 billion, or $1.17 per share.

Revenue was $3.97 billion, up 3 percent from $3.84 billion in 2010's fourth quarter.

Analysts on average expected earnings per share of $1.22 and sales of $3.92 billion, according to FactSet.

"We exited 2011 with good momentum, and the outlook for 2012 is even stronger," CEO Kevin Sharer, who is stepping down in May, said in a prepared statement.

Amgen said this expects to earn $5.90 to $6.15 per share for 2012, excluding one-time items, and take in revenue of about $16.3 billion. Analysts were expecting $5.97 per share in adjusted earnings and $16.06 billion in revenue for the year.

Earlier Thursday, the maker of biologic drugs for cancer and blood disorders said it plans to buy cancer therapy developer Micromet Inc. for $1.16 billion in cash to boost its oncology pipeline. Founded in Germany and based in Rockville, Md., Micromet is developing an experimental antibody-based drug, blinatumomab. It's currently in mid-stage testing to treat leukemia and in clinical development for the treatment of non-Hodgkin lymphoma.

The purchase is Amgen's largest since it bought BioVex Group last year in a deal worth up to $1 billion, including milestone payments.

For the full year, Amgen reported net income of $3.68 billion, or $4.04 per share, down 20 percent from $4.63 billion, or $4.79 per share in 2010. Adjusted income was $4.86 billion, or $5.33 per share, down 3 percent from $5.02 billion, or $5.21 per share. Revenue was up 3 percent to $15.58 billion, from $15.05 billion.

Analysts were expecting adjusted income of $5.33 per share on average and revenue of $15.51 billion.

Amgen shares were unchanged following the after-hours report. They ended regular trading Thursday down $1.13, or 1.6 percent, at $68.08.

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/earnings/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20120126/ap_on_bi_ge/us_earns_amgen

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Thursday, January 26, 2012

PFT: Pagano's hire extends drastic Colts changes


Though the Cleveland Plain Dealer still has not acknowledged the move on its website (other than to finally remove his name and face from the roster), Tony Grossi no longer covers the Browns as a beat writer, following the accidental publication of a private Twitter message that called Browns owner Randy Lerner? (pictured) ?pathetic? and an ?irrelevant billionaire.?

Browns spokesman Neal Gulkis tells PFT that the Browns have no comment on the situation.

There?s still no evidence that the Browns pressured the Plain Dealer to make the move.? Per a source with knowledge of the situation, however, both Lerner and president Mike Holmgren refused to accept calls from Grossi after the message was posted and deleted.? We?re also told that a meeting occurred Wednesday between Plain Dealer publisher Terry Eggar and Holmgren.

The Plain Dealer has been nearly as silent as the Browns.? Managing editor Thom Fladung called the Kiley & Booms radio show on 92.3 The Fan this morning to explain the decision, and Fladung?s explanation was less than persuasive, in our opinion.

The decision to remove Grossi from the beat was driven by this ?determining factor? articulated by Fladung:? ?Don?t do something that affects your value as a journalist or the value of your newspaper or affects the perception of your value and the perception of that newspaper?s value.?

That?s a pretty broad ? and vague ? rule.? And that?s the kind of standard that gives a news organization the ability to do pretty much whatever it wants whenever it wants, because there?s pretty much always something to which someone can point as proof of ?something that affects your value as a journalist or the value of your newspaper or affects the perception of your value and the perception of that newspaper?s value.?

Making Fladung?s ?determining factor? even more confusing is the fact that he admitted that Grossi could have deliberately expressed a strong opinion about Lerner in a column published and printed in the Plain Dealer without conseqeuence.? ?Let?s say Tony had written that Randy Lerner?s lack of involvement with the Browns and their resulting disappointing records over the years has made him irrelevant as an owner, that?s defensible,? Fladung said.? ?That?s absolutely defensible.?

What?s indefensible is the failure of the Plain Dealer to acknowledge the fact that Grossi never intended to make the statements available for public view.? He fell victim to the subtle but significant differences between a ?direct message? (which is private) and a ?reply? (which is public) on Twitter.? It was an accident.? A mistake.

Let?s go back to the days of typewriters and shorthand, and let?s say that Grossi?s editor has two boxes on his desk.? One is for article submissions and one is for proposed topics.? And let?s say that Grossi scribbled out a scathing column about Lerner as a proposed topic, but Grossi accidentally put it in the box of actual submissions for print.

That?s the low-tech version of what happened here.? Grossi accidentally put his message in the wrong box.

So when Fladung says he ?felt very strongly? that the Twitter message ?was inappropriate and unprofessional and . . . it?s not the kind of opinion a journalist covering a beat can express,? Fladung presumes that Grossi actually intended to articulate that opinion to the world.? He didn?t.? It was inadvertently blurted out, like a temporary case of Twitter Tourette?s.

Some have suggested that the Twitter blunder provided the Plain Dealer with a vehicle for addressing pre-existing concerns regarding Grossi?s overall job performance.? Undercutting that theory was Fladung?s assertion during the radio interview that Grossi is a ?very good? and ?very successful? beat writer.

I?m continuing to write about this because it?s the kind of mistake that could happen to anyone, and everyone should be entitled to the benefit of the doubt in a case like this, especially when newspapers and other media companies want their writers to engage with the audience through various new technologies and platforms.? It also just ?feels? like an unjust result, whether because the Plain Dealer is being obtuse or because the Plain Dealer is cowering to the Browns or because the Browns are remaining deliberately silent in order to secure the preferred outcome of having Grossi removed from the beat.

Regardless, we?re disappointed in the Plain Dealer, in Fladung, in the Browns, in Lerner, and in Holmgren.? And we hope that one or more of them will snap out of it and do the right thing, or at least let the rest of us know in far more convincing fashion why they believe the right thing was done.

Source: http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2012/01/25/with-pagano-colts-continue-dramatic-shift/related

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The Hunt for the Perfect Reading Chair [Daily Desired]

I need to sit up when I read. A bed or a couch makes me promptly fall asleep. A straight-backed chair proves uncomfortable for extended reading sessions. Thus I've been on a never-ending quest for the perfect reading chair. When I first laid eyes on Claesson Koivisto Rune's Isola chair, I immediately thought it might be The One. More »

Source: http://feeds.gawker.com/~r/gizmodo/full/~3/1tFb8fttE5M/the-hunt-for-the-perfect-reading-chair

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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Heated charges, counter-charges in Florida debate

Republican presidential candidates former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, left, and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich gesture during a Republican presidential debate Monday Jan. 23, 2012, at the University of South Florida in Tampa, Fla. (AP Photo/Paul Sancya)

Republican presidential candidates former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, left, and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich gesture during a Republican presidential debate Monday Jan. 23, 2012, at the University of South Florida in Tampa, Fla. (AP Photo/Paul Sancya)

Republican presidential candidates, from left, former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, and Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, stand on stage before a Republican Presidential debate Monday, Jan. 23, 2012, at the University of South Florida in Tampa, Fla. (AP Photo/Paul Sancya)

Republican presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney smiles before a Republican presidential debate Monday Jan. 23, 2012, at the University of South Florida in Tampa, Fla. (AP Photo/Paul Sancya)

Republican presidential candidate former House Speaker Newt Gingrich gestures during a Republican presidential debate Monday Jan. 23, 2012, at the University of South Florida in Tampa, Fla. (AP Photo/Paul Sancya)

Republican presidential candidate Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, gestures during a Republican Presidential debate Monday Jan. 23, 2012, at the University of South Florida in Tampa, Fla. (AP Photo/Paul Sancya)

(AP) ? Republican presidential contenders Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich clashed repeatedly in heated, personal terms Monday night in a crackling campaign debate, the former Massachusetts governor tagging his rival as an "influence peddler" in Washington, only to be accused in turn of spreading falsehoods over many years in politics.

"You've been walking around the state saying things that are untrue," Gingrich said to his rival in a two-hour debate marked by interruptions and finger pointing.

The debate marked the first encounter among the four remaining GOP contenders ? former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum and Texas Rep. Ron Paul shared the stage ? since Gingrich won the South Carolina primary in an upset last weekend, a double-digit victory that reset the race to pick a rival to challenge President Barack Obama this fall.

Romney was the aggressor from the opening moments Monday night, saying Gingrich had "resigned in disgrace" from Congress after four years as speaker and then had spent the next 15 years "working as an influence peddler" in Washington.

In particular, he referred to the contract Gingrich's consulting firm had with Freddie Mac, a government-backed mortgage giant that he said "did a lot of bad for a lot of people and you were working there."

Romney also said Gingrich had lobbied lawmakers to approve legislation creating a new prescription drug benefit under Medicare.

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/89ae8247abe8493fae24405546e9a1aa/Article_2012-01-23-Republicans-Debate/id-e93d2c896e524af9864cf1d82113b5c5

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France brings Armenian genocide bill one step closer to law

The French Senate today approved a controversial bill making it a crime to deny the Armenian genocide in what many see as a political ploy ahead of elections this spring.

France poked Turkey in the eye last night by approving a new "genocide denial" bill, then this morning urged Turkey to ?remain calm.?

Skip to next paragraph

But Turkish reaction was not especially calm.

After the French Senate voted in the late hours Monday to criminalize a denial of the 1915 Armenian genocide ? punishable with a year in jail and a $58,000 fine ? Turkey?s ambassador to France said he will leave.

Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan today called the new law ?discriminatory? and ?racist? and a ?massacre of free expression,? and pointed out that French President Nicolas Sarkozy?s ancestors had once sought refuge in Turkey.

Something?s definitely out of whack in this diplomatic fallout. But it isn?t entirely Turkey?s inability to face its Ottoman past, which includes the killing or deporting of some 750,000 to 1.5 million Armenians during World War I.

Even French Foreign Minister Alain Juppe, a member of the ruling party, thinks the new French law is a bad idea and ?ill-timed.?

?I?m sure we?ll find again a constructive relationship,? Mr. Juppe told French TV. ?I put out my hand and I hope it will be shaken one day.?

In fact, there are actual reasons why Turkey might see fit to remain calm, as Juppe urges. This law really isn?t about Turkey. It?s French politics.

Turkish leaders take the genocide law as a matter of national dishonor and high principles, and point to French slaughters in Algeria, and speak of rights, including of independent thought, that France champions. It is highly emotional.

Yet in France the new genocide law is seen with considerable cynicism, and with little emotion or much regard. It comes just ahead of national elections this spring. Along with its slightly craven appeal to the hundreds of thousands of French-Armenian voters, for whom the issue has always been a defining one, the law also gives President Sarkozy a way to remind conservatives that he?s against a Muslim country joining Europe.

Mr. Sarkozy has a problem with a poll-surging Marine Le Pen of the far-right National Front, who accuses him of overseeing an ?Islamization? of France.

The bill is "not entirely free of ulterior electoral motives considering that there is a 500,000-strong French Armenian community in France," as the French daily Liberation put it.

French politicos have portrayed their new legal concoction as part of a long, historic fight against a ?poisonous denial? by the human race of various mass murders.

Source: http://rss.csmonitor.com/~r/csmonitor/globalnews/~3/FyoW4sKFXgk/France-brings-Armenian-genocide-bill-one-step-closer-to-law

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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

China reports second bird flu death in a month (AP)

BEIJING ? China on Sunday reported its second bird flu fatality in a month following deaths last week in Vietnam and Cambodia.

The patient died Sunday in Guizhou province in the southwest after being hospitalized on Jan. 6, the health ministry said in a brief statement. It said the flu was highly pathogenic but gave no indication whether it was confirmed to be the H5N1 strain.

Mainland officials told Hong Kong authorities the patient was a 39-year-old man who reported having no contact with poultry, government-run Hong Kong broadcaster RTHK said. It gave no other details of his identity.

The health ministry statement said 71 people who had contact with the patient showed no unusual symptoms.

China suffered its first bird flu fatality in 18 months when a bus driver in Shenzhen, a city that borders Hong Kong, died Dec. 31.

Last week, Vietnam reported its first bird flu fatality in nearly two years ? an 18-year-old man who worked on a duck farm.

In Cambodia, a 2-year-old boy died last week after reportedly having contact with sick poultry in his village, according to the World Health Organization.

Indonesia also has reported one bird flu death this year.

WHO says that as of Friday, there have been 343 human deaths from 582 confirmed bird flu cases worldwide since 2003. Some 27 of those deaths were in China and 60 in Vietnam.



Chinese Ministry of Health: http://www.moh.gov.cn

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/china/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20120122/ap_on_he_me/as_china_bird_flu

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Find out the different institutions you can check out for communications degree scholarships and grants.

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So how do you earn these scholarships and grants?
You can earn them the same way that you would earn them in other programs.

You can earn a grant or scholarship through easy application.
However, not all schools require the traditional way of application.
Because this is a special field, the application process often requires a demonstration of your communication ability.

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After you have decided to pursue a communications degree scholarship, you should start considering the kind of skills you presently have to make sure your application stands out from the rest.

Many institutions offer financial aids.
You should visit the communications program website of the universities you are interested in.
There are also private scholarships available, which are a great source of funding as they usually offer them to students with specific majors.

The Electric Document System Foundation (EDSF) provides communications scholarships known as EDSF David Hoods Memorial Scholarship.
They offer 30 scholarships every year to students (fulltime) with a GPA of 3.0 or higher.
Other popular private scholarships for communications degree students include the Betty Endicott/NTA-NCCB Student Scholarship and the James Lawrence Fly Scholarship.

The communications department at each college or university usually offers some form of financial aid that is specifically aimed at communication majors.
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Some of the most popular universities include the University of Miami and the University of Texas at San Antonio.

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Source: http://www.atthefulton.org/2012/01/23/the-best-resources-of-communications-degree-scholarships-and-grants/

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Monday, January 23, 2012

Mitt Romney's Stance On Dream Act Threatens To Turn Off Hispanic Voters In Florida


MIAMI--Mitt Romney's promise to veto a measure that would create a path to citizenship for some undocumented immigrants threatens to turn off some Hispanic voters, whose support could be critical in a general election match-up against President Barack Obama.

The issue is gaining prominence as the GOP front-runner heads toward the Jan. 31 primary in Florida, even though most of the state's Hispanics are Puerto Rican or Cuban-American and, thus, aren't affected by U.S. immigration law, nor view it as a priority. Still, it's a state where 13 percent of registered voters are Hispanic, where the nation's largest Spanish-language TV networks are based, and where the nation's third-largest number of undocumented immigrants live--intensifying the focus on Romney's position.

"Latino voters, like all voters in this country, are interested in America being an opportunity nation," Romney said Monday night during a debate in South Carolina, when asked if his promise to veto the so-called Dream Act was alienating voters. "In my view, as long as we communicate to the people of all backgrounds in this country that it can be better, and that America is a land of opportunity, we will get those votes."

Maybe not.

His veto promise ? first made in the days before the Iowa caucuses--has hit a nerve with prominent Hispanics, and some Republicans worry that the position will turn off the growing number of Latino voters in swing-voting states, particularly in the west, who are now on the fence after backing Obama in 2008. These Republicans suggest that Romney was trying to curry favor with hardline Republican primary voters at the expense of Hispanics whose support he would need come the fall.

"If Romney's the nominee, he's going to have to come to the center and make some decisions about how to resolve that issue," said Republican Herman Echevarria, a Cuban-American who is the CEO of a Miami-based bilingual advertising agency and a longtime local political player. "He's trying to be a conservative candidate. And if you don't become a conservative candidate, you cannot be the candidate of the Republicans. But you cannot be elected president just as a conservative candidate."

Already, there are signs of backlash.

For Colombia native Ana Rodriguez, a Miami-based graphic designer who received political asylum and will become a U.S. citizen this year, Romney's comments are precisely what motivated her to vote--against him. "Because of what I went through," Rodriguez said, "I want more people (elected) who are interested in supporting immigrants and want a more equal and fair system of immigration."

Florida Dream Act activists, who have been among the most visible in the nation, also are promising to keep the heat on Romney as his campaign comes to the state.

And last week, at El Tropical restaurant in Miami, Florida Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart, who has endorsed Romney, told a group of mostly Cuban-American GOP primary voters that the former Massachusetts governor was the only candidate who could fix the economy and protect U.S. security interests. Then, a young Colombian immigrant stepped forward and asked Diaz-Balart, who has championed immigrants' rights including the Dream Act, how the congressman could support Romney.

"You have been such a friend to us, I just don't understand," said Juan Rodriguez, a student at Florida International University who was among a half-dozen students who walked from Miami to Washington in the winter to raise awareness of the legislation.

The exchange was caught on tape by several Spanish-language media outlets that reach viewers around the world.

Romney has arguably the toughest immigration position of any of the Republican candidates. Newt Gingrich would give legal status to undocumented immigrants who have deep roots in the U.S. and lived otherwise lawfully.

Conversely, Romney has been adamantly opposed to any type of amnesty for undocumented immigrants since his first White House run in 2008. Previously, he called reasonable a bipartisan proposal to allow immigrants to seek green cards in exchange for certain penalties, though he says he never officially supported such legislation.

Last year, Romney objected to the Dream Act. But he went further in the days before the Iowa caucuses when asked if he would veto the measure.

"The answer is yes," Romney told voters then.

While he said he does not oppose creating a path for those who serve in the U.S. military to become permanent residents, he also said he doesn't believe such individuals should be able to adjust their status by attending school, nor should they receive in-state tuition.

Since narrowly winning the Iowa caucuses, Romney has been sending Hispanics mixed messages.

He's working to woo Hispanics and convince them he's sincere in fighting their causes, recently launching TV commercials in Florida featuring Cuban-Americans Diaz-Balart and fellow U.S. Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, as well as his son Craig speaking in Spanish.

But, in South Carolina, he's also been campaigning with Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach, the leading architect behind the tough Arizona-style immigration laws. Even many Latinos who support tougher immigration laws worry such measures will lead to racial profiling because they give broad leeway to law enforcement to stop anyone whom they suspect of being in the country without documents.

"This is all about his primary right now," said Benjamin Bishin, a University of California, Riverside political science professor who has long studied Cuban-American and other Latino political attitudes.

Jennifer Korn of the center-right group the Hispanic Leadership Network, which is co-hosting a GOP primary debate and Latino conference this month in Florida, said Romney took a risk in alienating Hispanic voters. But, she added, he's also made clear he wants to fix the broader immigration system.

"If he explains it correctly, he definitely has a chance to have the Hispanic community listen to what he has to say," she said.

He seemed to try to do just that during recent debates, saying: "I love legal immigration," but that "to protect our legal immigration system we have got to protect our borders and stop the flood of illegal immigration."

That appeared to be enough for Peter Gonzalez, a Cuban-American commercial attorney and fiscally conservative Democrat.

"It's nice to hear a guy who the media has said is taking a harsh turn to the right on immigration say they love legal immigration," he said.

Also on HuffPost:

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Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/01/21/mitt-romney-dream-act_n_1220624.html

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Sunday, January 22, 2012

Cooley leads Irish upset of No. 1 Syracuse (AP)

SOUTH BEND, Ind. ? Jack Cooley scored 17 points and grabbed 10 rebounds Saturday night as Notre Dame upset No. 1 Syracuse 67-58 and handed the Orange their first loss after 20 straight victories.

Fans stormed the court after the Irish's rousing victory. It was the eighth time Notre Dame has beaten a No. 1 team ? that ties for fourth-most all-time, with North Carolina having the most with 12.

The Orange (20-1, 7-1) played without starting center Fab Melo, who did not make the trip and will not play Monday against Cincinnati.

Without Melo in the middle, the 6-foot-9, 248-pound Cooley was a major force for Notre Dame (12-8, 4-3) and the Irish won the rebound battle 38-25.

Melo had started all 20 of the Orange's first games, was their leading rebounder with 5.7 a game, averaged 7.2 points and three blocks. School officials gave no explanation why the talented center did not make the trip. C.J. Fair started for the Orange.

James Southerland scored 15 points for Syracuse, which shot just 34 percent and had its lowest scoring game of the season. Scott Martin added 13 for Notre Dame, which hit 50 percent of its field-goal attempts.

Southerland's 3-pointer with 53.9 seconds left brought the Orange to within 62-56 before the Irish held on as Jerian Grant sank four free throws in the final 32 seconds.

It was the first time the Irish have beaten a top-ranked team since 1987 when they defeated North Carolina, also in South Bend. One of the Irish's most dramatic victories over a No. 1 came in 1974, when they stopped UCLA's 88-game winning streak by 71-70.

Syracuse coach Jim Boeheim was denied his 877th career victory, which would have put him in sole possession of fourth place among Division I men's coaches.

Notre Dame led in the first half by as many as 18 and was up 35-23 at the half, shooting 54.4 percent and holding the Orange to 2.6 (8-for-18). Syracuse was only 4-of-13 from the 3-point line and was beaten on the boards 20-13 as Notre Dame seemed to be half step quicker.

Syracuse got off to a better second-half start and whittled the lead to eight less than three minutes in. But Martin hit another 3-pointer for the Irish as the shot clock was winding down and Cooley ? benefiting from Melo's absence ? bulled his way in for a layup to restore the lead to 12. Cooley then dropped in two free throws and Martin again sank a 3-pointer and the Irish were rolling with a 17-point lead.

The Orange then went on a 9-2 run and Kris Joseph's 3-pointer made it a 10-point game with 7:43 to go. Syracuse again cut it to eight before Cooley roared down the court for a dunk with just over five minutes left.

Triche's three-point play with 2:24 left cut it to seven as the Orange made a final run.

Pat Connaughton, inserted into the Irish starting lineup, had a pair of 3s in the early going and Notre Dame bolted to an 11-2 lead.

Notre Dame kept up the long-range accuracy, making four of its first six attempts. And when Eric Atkins grabbed a rebound and went the length of the floor for a layup, the Irish were up 21-10 as the fans at Purcell Pavilion went wild.

And without Melo in the middle, the Irish were all over the boards with an early 13-4 advantage.

Atkins picked up his third foul with 9:04 left, but Jerian Grant's 3-pointer gave the Irish a two-touchdown lead at 28-14.

The Orange missed 14 of their first 19 field-goal attempts and nothing was falling. Tom Knight's left-handed shot in the lane doubled the score, putting the Irish up 32-16.

Alex Dragicevich's 3-pointer as the shot clock was running down put the Irish up 35-18 with 1:12 left in the half. Dion Waiters then responded with a pair of quick 3-pointers to get the Orange to within 12 at the end of a frustrating first half.

The 23 points represented the Orange's lowest-scoring half of the season.

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/topstories/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20120122/ap_on_sp_co_ga_su/bkc_t25_syracuse_notre_dame

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Next stop: A brawl in Florida (Politico)

COLUMBIA, S.C. ? The unstoppable force that is Newt Gingrich and the immovable object that is Mitt Romney are headed for a collision in Florida.

A primary that looked 10 days ago like a potential 2012 afterthought on Romney?s cruise to the nomination now stands as perhaps the pivotal moment of the campaign. Romney, bruised by his embarrassing defeat here in South Carolina, must quickly reinforce his already formidable strength in the year?s first mega-state primary. After his upset Palmetto State win, Gingrich may be hard-pressed to prove he can sustain his campaign?s electric energy on a much larger scale; if he succeeds, his back-from-the-dead candidacy could become a true juggernaut.

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Romney starts out as a muscular favorite. He has led all recent polling in Florida. Between Romney?s campaign and the super PAC supporting him, nearly $7 million has already been spent on television ads aiding the former Massachusetts governor, according to a source. The other candidates have spent almost nothing.

What?s more, Florida voters have been able to vote by absentee ballot since well before Gingrich?s numbers spiked, likely giving an edge to Romney and his get-out-the-vote operation. Republican Party of Florida spokesman Brian Hughes said that 197,271 early and absentee ballots had been cast as of Saturday morning.

But despite Romney?s built-in advantages, Florida politicos see the possibility of a rapidly tightening contest in a closed-primary state where only Republicans will vote, and where GOP voters have thrilled in recent years to combative conservative candidates ? and where Gingrich?s late momentum could make all the difference.

?Florida was already competitive,? said Republican fundraiser Ann Herberger, a former Jon Huntsman adviser. ?Florida is absolutely in play and anybody who tells you it isn?t is just not truthful. If anything has taught us, from the GOP primary in ?08 to the United States Senate primary in ?10 down here, nothing is inevitable.?

National strategist Mike Murphy, who has advised Romney and former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, said Romney ?should not underestimate the danger? in the Sunshine State. Bush reiterated Saturday that he will stay neutral in the state?s primary.

?While he has advantage in mail, TV and money, primaries are driven by message,? Murphy said. ?Yes, he has to sharpen his attacks, but he can?t rely on spending and the negative stuff alone. He has to remind people of the winning Romney, the job creator. Take the initiative away from Newt and get off defense.?

The Florida primary isn?t just an essential opportunity for Romney to regain his momentum. It?s also his best, and perhaps last chance to score a convincing victory that would lead national Republican power brokers to call for an early end to the primary race.

Romney?s Florida backers expressed supreme confidence Saturday that their candidate had built a sea wall in the state capable of turning back nearly anything Gingrich can hurl at him.

Mailings and paid media are only a part of that, they say. While Gingrich was fighting for traction in New Hampshire and South Carolina, Romney staffers and volunteers were turning out absentee voters in Florida. Whatever wind he now has at his back, Gingrich doesn?t have a shadow of the team that Romney has assembled in Florida, where many of the state?s most valuable endorsers have already chosen sides.

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/politics/*http%3A//us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/external/politico_rss/rss_politico_mostpop/http___www_politico_com_news_stories0112_71775_html/44262292/SIG=11mpq3pls/*http%3A//www.politico.com/news/stories/0112/71775.html

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