Sunday, March 31, 2013

Mandela has 'restful day' of recovery

Barbara Kinney / AFP - Getty Images

Former South African President Nelson Mandela is pictured during a visit by former US president on July 17, 2012 at his home in Qunu, Eastern Cape, on the eve of his 94th birthday.

By Sofia Perpetua,

Nelson Mandela condition has improved, the South African government confirmed on Sunday after the 94-year-old human-rights icon and former president received treatment for pneumonia.

?Nelson Mandela had a restful day,? the presidency of South Africa said in a statement. ?His condition has improved further.?

Mandela continues to receive treatment after he spending four days at the hospital. The South African government does not want to reveal in which hospital Mandela is receiving treatments.

NBC's Keir Simmons reports from South Africa and has the latest regarding the health of Nelson Mandela.

?We thank all people at home and around the world, who continue to keep ?Mandiba? (Mandela) and his family in their thoughts and to show their love and support in various ways,? said president Jacob Zuma, referring to the apartheid-era hero by his clan name. ?We also thank foreign governments for their message of support.?

Last December, Mandela spent 18 days at the hospital as he was being treated for lung infection and gallstones.


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Nerds vs. Hipsters: Reddit Photo Explains It All

A lot of people describe themselves as nerds these days who really aren't. They're hipsters. But if you have a hard time differentiating, no one can blame you as there are plenty of similarities. Nevertheless, there are a few hipster tells.

Redditor moson posted this helpful image that clearly outlines the differences between nerds and hipsters. Fun fact: the original photo is of actual, honest-to-god scientist nerds from Poland. Hooray!


Via Reddit

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Rivals prepare for legal battle over abortion bans

FILE - In this April 16, 2012 file photo, North Dakota Gov. Jack Dalrymple speaks in Bismarck, N.D. Dalrymple signed legislation on March 26, 2013 that would make North Dakota the nation's most restrictive state on abortion rights, banning the procedure if a fetal heartbeat can be detected ? something that can happen as early as six weeks into a pregnancy. Rival legal teams, each well-financed and highly motivated, are girding for high-stakes court battles in the coming months over this law and one enacted in Arkansas that would would ban most abortions from the 12th week of pregnancy onward. (AP Photo/Dale Wetzel, File)

FILE - In this April 16, 2012 file photo, North Dakota Gov. Jack Dalrymple speaks in Bismarck, N.D. Dalrymple signed legislation on March 26, 2013 that would make North Dakota the nation's most restrictive state on abortion rights, banning the procedure if a fetal heartbeat can be detected ? something that can happen as early as six weeks into a pregnancy. Rival legal teams, each well-financed and highly motivated, are girding for high-stakes court battles in the coming months over this law and one enacted in Arkansas that would would ban most abortions from the 12th week of pregnancy onward. (AP Photo/Dale Wetzel, File)

FILE - In this Feb. 7, 2013 file photo, Sen. Jason Rapert, R-Conway, explains his bill dealing with abortion at the Arkansas state Capitol in Little Rock, Ark. The bill, which was passed into law on March 6 when legislators overrode a veto by Democratic Gov. Mike Beebe, would ban most abortions from the 12th week of pregnancy onward. Rival legal teams, each well-financed and highly motivated, are girding for high-stakes court battles over the coming months on this law and one in North Dakota that would impose the nation's toughest bans on abortion. (AP Photo/Danny Johnston, File)

FILE - In this March 25, 2013 file photo, Kris Kitko leads chants of protest at an abortion-rights rally at the state Capitol in Bismarck, N.D. Rival legal teams, each well-financed and highly motivated, are girding for high-stakes court battles over the coming months on laws enacted in Arkansas and North Dakota that would impose the nation's toughest bans on abortion. The Arkansas law, approved March 6 when legislators overrode a veto by Democratic Gov. Mike Beebe, would ban most abortions from the 12th week of pregnancy onward. On March 26, North Dakota went even further, with Republican Gov. Jack Dalrymple signing a measure that would ban abortions as early as six weeks into a pregnancy, when a fetal heartbeat can first be detected. (AP Photo/James MacPherson, File)

Rival legal teams, well-financed and highly motivated, are girding for court battles over the coming months on laws enacted in Arkansas and North Dakota that would impose the nation's toughest bans on abortion.

For all their differences, attorneys for the two states and the abortion-rights supporters opposing them agree on this: The laws represent an unprecedented frontal assault on the Supreme Court's 1973 Roe v. Wade decision that established a nationwide right to abortion.

The Arkansas law, approved March 6 when legislators overrode a veto by Democratic Gov. Mike Beebe, would ban most abortions from the 12th week of pregnancy onward. On March 26, North Dakota went further, with Republican Gov. Jack Dalrymple signing a measure that would ban abortions as early as six weeks into a pregnancy, when a fetal heartbeat can first be detected and before some women even know they're pregnant.

Abortion-rights advocates plan to challenge both measures, contending they are unconstitutional violations of the Roe ruling that legalized abortion until a fetus could viably survive outside the womb. A fetus is generally considered viable at 22 to 24 weeks.

"I think they're going to be blocked immediately by the courts ? they are so far outside the clear bounds of what the Supreme Court has said for 40 years," said Nancy Northup, president of the Center for Reproductive Rights.

The center will be leading the North Dakota legal challenge and working in Arkansas alongside the American Civil Liberties Union's state and national offices. Both Northup and ACLU lawyers say they have ample resources to wage the battles, and they expect victories that would require their attorneys' fees to be paid by two states.

Dalrymple, in signing the ban, acknowledged that its chances of surviving a court challenge were questionable, but said it was worth the eventual price tag ? at this point unknown ? in order to test the boundaries of Roe.

North Dakota's attorney general, Wayne Stenehjem, initially said lawyers from his office would defend any lawsuits but is now considering hiring outside help. His office is working on a cost estimate for the litigation that could be presented to lawmakers soon.

"We're looking at a sufficient amount to adequately defend these enactments," Stenehjem said.

A lead sponsor of the Arkansas ban, Republican state Sen. Jason Rapert, said threats of lawsuits "should not prevent someone from doing what is right."

He contended that the ban had a chance of reaching the U.S. Supreme Court through the appeals process and suggested that the victory predictions made by abortion-rights lawyers amounted to "posturing" aimed at deterring other states from enacting similar bans.

In both Arkansas and North Dakota, the states' lawyers will be getting pro bono assistance from lawyers with Liberty Counsel, a conservative Christian legal group.

Mathew Staver, the group's chairman, said supporters of the bans were resolved to fight the legal battles to the end, and issued a caution to the rival side.

"They ought to hold off on their celebrations," he said. "The cases have a long way to go through the court system."

The North Dakota ban is scheduled to take effect Aug. 1, along with two other measures that have angered abortion-rights backers. One would require abortion providers to have admitting privileges at a local hospital, the other would make North Dakota the first state to ban abortions based on genetic defects such as Down syndrome.

The Center for Reproductive Rights is reviewing its options regarding the latter two bills, but definitely plans to challenge the 6-week ban before Aug. 1. Northup said her team is pondering whether to file suit in state court or U.S. district court.

In Arkansas, where the 12-week ban would take effect 90 days after the end of the legislative session, abortion-rights lawyers plan to file their challenge in federal court within the next few weeks.

Bettina Brownstein, who will be representing the ACLU of Arkansas in the case, said the U.S. district court with jurisdiction over Little Rock had issued rulings in past abortion-related cases that gave her confidence of victory this time.

"Eventually it could go to U.S. Supreme Court on appeal, but that would take a while, and they may not want to hear it," she said. "It's a question of how much money the state wants to spend."

Northup chided officials in both Arkansas and North Dakota for their willingness to spend taxpayers' money on difficult and divisive legal cases.

"It's important that the citizens of those states realize that every dollar spent to defend blatantly unconstitutional laws is taxpayers' dollars wasted," she said.

Attorneys' fees for the upcoming cases are impossible to estimate at this stage, but Northup said her organization received $1.3 million in fees from Alaska after that state lost a recent case regarding an abortion-related law.

The last few years have been intensely busy for the Center for Reproductive Rights, the ACLU and other abortion-rights legal groups as Republican-controlled legislatures have enacted scores of laws seeking to restrict access to abortion. At least two dozen such measures are currently the target of lawsuits, said Northup, who vowed that her organization "will not let unconstitutional laws go unchallenged."

Some of the recent laws place new requirements on abortion clinics, others require abortion providers to perform certain procedures or offer state-mandated counseling before an abortion can take place.

At least 10 states have passed bills banning abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy on the disputed premise that a fetus can feel pain at that stage. One of those laws, in Idaho, was struck down by a U.S. district judge on March 6, while the laws in Georgia and Arizona have been temporarily blocked by judges pending further court proceedings.

Abortion-rights advocates, while eager to defeat the new bans in North Dakota and Arkansas, worry about the impact of the broader surge of restrictions.

"I don't believe these bans are going to take effect, but the danger is that they make the other laws look reasonable," said Talcott Camp, deputy director of the ACLU's Reproductive Freedom Project. "The ultimate goal is to take this decision away from a woman and her doctor and give it to the politicians."

One of the most frequent targets of the anti-abortion laws is the Planned Parenthood Federation of America, which ? in addition to providing a range of other health services ? is the nation's leading provider of abortions.

Planned Parenthood's president, Cecile Richards, said she found it frustrating that women "continue to be a political punching bag." But she saw an upside to the wave of anti-abortion legislation: more members and more donations for her organization.

"These attacks have served to energize our supporters," she said. "We've gained 2 million members in the past two years."

There's new energy on the other side as well.

The tough North Dakota laws have been welcomed by the protesters who gather weekly in Fargo outside the state's lone abortion clinic.

Among those on hand for the latest protest at the Red River Women's Clinic was Scott Carew, 50, who had brought two anti-abortion posters nailed to pieces of wood.

"Certainly, we're proud of the governor standing up for life," Carew said. "We're going to keep standing up for life until we can't stand up anymore."


Associated Press reporters James MacPherson in Bismarck, N.D., David Kolpack in Fargo, N.D., and Andrew DeMillo in Little Rock, Ark., contributed to this report.


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Column: The Age of the Tech-Savvy Legislator

It?s fairly common to hear CIOs complain that elected officials just don?t ?get it,? that senior leaders don?t grasp the importance of technology investments or simply have no interest in the topic. Fortunately, it?s a problem with a short shelf life as a new generation of lawmakers takes office.

Ground zero for the shift may be the Oklahoma House of Representatives, where the Government Modernization Committee has become both a magnet for young lawmakers and a forum for IT-powered government reforms. State Rep. Jason Murphey, a 35-year-old software developer, pictured above, chairs the committee. He says legislative turnover -- led in part by term limits enacted by Oklahoma voters in 1990 -- is driving a shift in how state elected leaders view technology issues. ?We?re seeing the age of the legislature getting younger and younger,? he says. ?And those members have an extreme proclivity toward this venue.??

Over the past few years, the committee has tackled issues that include consolidating state data centers, improving software purchasing policies, promoting electronic payments, and simplifying licensing and permitting. In particular, Murphey teamed with another ?Gov Mod? Committee member, 36-year-old Rep. David Derby, on legislation that consolidated state computer systems under a central technology agency and created a cabinet-level CIO position to run it. Those changes have saved about $85 million over the past two years.

Murphey, a conservative Republican, views technology as a way to shrink government spending. But he says the Government Modernization Committee?s work tends to be nonpartisan. He contends that using technology to cut the cost of running government should win support on both sides of the aisle. Big government supporters can argue for plowing operational savings back into government programs, he says, while small government proponents can push to return money to taxpayers. ?I have my personal opinions and I?m not shy about sharing them, but I very much understand that there are more legislators and state leaders involved in the policy discussion than just me.?

Oklahoma?s technology consolidation and other reforms have raised the Gov Mod Committee?s stature, says Murphey, who acknowledges that the body was viewed as ?kind of gimmicky? when it was formed in 2009. It?s since become an attractive place to be, especially for younger lawmakers. Six of the committee?s 10 members are younger than 40.

Younger certainly doesn?t automatically mean more innovative. But an influx of lawmakers who?ve relied on computers, the Internet and mobile devices for most of their lives could help alter the conversation between elected leaders and CIOs.

The rap on technology leaders for years has been that they speak in unintelligible jargon and are so focused on nuts-and-bolts computing issues that they can?t effectively connect IT investment to issues that resonate with leadership. That?s changing too. A growing number of CIOs aren?t old-school computer geeks anymore. They?re strong managers who can link deployment of new technology to the priorities of a mayor or governor.

Those are the kind of arguments that get a sympathetic ear in Oklahoma these days. ?I have been here six years now, and when we first started talking about these concepts, they were alien to many members,? Murphey says. ?These new waves of legislators get it, and they?re going to make a big difference.?

Photo of State Rep. Jason Murphey courtesy of AP Photo

This column originally appeared at


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From Click to Brick: Ecommerce Redefines In-Store Retail

"Click-to-brick" stores typically fall into of two categories: temporary pop-up stores meant to stir up publicity, such as those launched by Etsy and Birchbox, and permanent showrooms, including ones run by Warby Parker and Bonobos. These permanent locations sometimes do not even have items for sale, thus eliminating the need to carry inventory or invest in a large, expensive retail location.

When he first launched menswear retailer Bonobos, Chief Executive Andy Dunn was wary of the brick-and-mortar concept.

(Read More: Lululemon CEO Says 'Man Up' for Success)

"We were wrong at the beginning," he said. "In 2007, we started the company, and we said the whole world is going online only. All we're going to do is be online."

Since then, the company rolled out their version of the in-person retail store in several locations. The stores are focused on service and do not carry items for sale.

"We think that ecommerce is going to be the flagship store and possibly as much as half of retail for any brand," Dunn added. "But what we've learned recently is that the offline experience of touching and feeling clothes isn't going away. People still want to try stuff on, and so for a brand like ours that's built on fit we want to provide that."

For e-tailers that decide to venture into physical locations, analysts listed several benefits inherent in their business model.

"The advantage they have is that they are omnichannel from the start?they don't have to invest millions in retrofitting their systems to accommodate the web channel," Mulpuru said.

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But because their core business is online, it's not always easy also to launch a store, which requires a focus on visual merchandising and a different labor model, she added.

Still, IBM's Puleri said ecommerce stores have the luxury of being nimble since they can change assortment and price on the fly online. But the brands must figure out how to keep their brand in sync across the various channels, she added.

?By CNBC's Katie Little; Follow her @katie_little_

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Boston Cops Hilariously Pose Online As Punk Rockers

A recent city noise control ordinance in Boston has cops cracking down on roving rock shows that don't take place in formal venues. So they're posing as punk rockers online to sniff out concert locations so they shut them down more easily. Only problem is their police work reads like an out of touch parent trying to talk to a teen about that new fangled rock and/or roll. More »


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Parkinson's disease protein gums up garbage disposal system in cells

Friday, March 29, 2013

Clumps of ?-synuclein protein in nerve cells are hallmarks of many degenerative brain diseases, most notably Parkinson's disease.

"No one has been able to determine if Lewy bodies and Lewy neurites, hallmark pathologies in Parkinson's disease can be degraded," says Virginia Lee, PhD, director of the Center for Neurodegenerative Disease Research, at the Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania.

"With the new neuron model system of Parkinson's disease pathologies our lab has developed recently, we demonstrated that these aberrant clumps in cells resist degradation as well as impair the function of the macroautophagy system, one of the major garbage disposal systems within the cell."

Macroautophagy, literally self eating, is the degradation of unnecessary or dysfunctional cellular bits and pieces by a compartment in the cell called the lysosome.

Lee, also a professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, and colleagues published their results in the early online edition of the Journal of Biological Chemistry this week.

Alpha-synuclein (?-syn ) diseases all have clumps of the protein and include Parkinson's disease (PD), and array of related disorders: PD with dementia , dementia with Lewy bodies, and multiple system atrophy. In most of these, ?-syn forms insoluble aggregates of stringy fibrils that accumulate in the cell body and extensions of neurons.

These unwanted ?-syn clumps are modified by abnormal attachments of many phosphate chemical groups as well as by the protein ubiquitin, a molecular tag for degradation. They are widely distributed in the central nervous system, where they are associated with neuron loss.

Using cell models in which intracellular ?-syn clumps accumulate after taking up synthetic ?-syn fibrils, the team showed that ?-syn inclusions cannot be degraded, even though they are located near the lysosome and the proteasome, another type of garbage disposal in the cell.

The ?-syn aggregates persist even after soluble ?-syn levels within the cell are substantially reduced, suggesting that once formed, the ?-syn inclusions are resistant to being cleared. What's more, they found that ?-syn aggregates impair the overall autophagy degradative process by delaying the maturation of autophagy machines known as autophagosomes, which may contribute to the increased cell death seen in clump-filled nerve cells. Understanding the impact of ?-syn aggregates on autophagy may help elucidate therapies for ?-syn-related neurodegeneration.


University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine:

Thanks to University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine for this article.

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Huntington Ingalls gets $2.6B Navy ship contract

NEWPORT NEWS, Va. (AP) -- Huntington Ingalls Industries said Friday that it has won a $2.6 billion contract to refuel and overhaul the U.S.S. Abraham Lincoln, a 25-year-old nuclear-powered Naval aircraft carrier.

The company said the ship arrived at its Newport News Shipbuilding division Thursday. Work began immediately and will be complete in November 2016. Huntington Ingalls will refuel the ship's reactors and modernize more than 2,300 compartments, 600 tanks, and hundreds of systems. It also will upgrade the flight deck, catapults, combat systems and the "island," the ship's command center for flight deck operations.

Huntington Ingalls said the price includes costs of the work as well as incentive fees.

The refueling and overhaul was scheduled to start in February, but it was delayed because of concerns about funding and the defense budget. Last week both houses of Congress passed a continuing resolution that will keep the government funded through September 30, the end of its current fiscal year. President Obama signed the stopgap funding measure on Tuesday. Huntington Ingalls said the law allowed the Navy and its shipbuilding division to move ahead with the work.

The Abraham Lincoln was built by Huntington Ingalls' Newport News Shipbuilding unit and launched in February 1988. Huntington Ingalls is the largest military shipbuilder in the U.S., and the company is the biggest industrial employer in Virginia. Newport News Shipbuilding is the nation's only builder of aircraft carriers and one of two submarine builders.


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Saturday, March 30, 2013

Attention Filmmakers: LA Collaboration Challenge Returns - Hit ...

Who wouldn?t want to make a short film in two weeks with strangers? The Los Angeles Collaboration Film Challenge is back for a second year. Former Reason TV intern Mark Wagner is an organizer and passed along an invitation for all interested in participating:

The CFC is a one-of-a-kind nonprofit film festival in Los Angeles. Get paired with other filmmakers and make two movies in two weeks. Are you a writer in search of a cameraman? An editor looking for a director? Worry not wallflowers, we?ll make the connection for you!

Who is this challenge for? It?s for anyone! Industry pros, student filmmakers, amateur enthusiasts?all are welcome. The beauty of this experience is that you?ll be working alongside many other people with a similar passion for filmmaking, and?anyone can win.

On May 4th, we screen the best entries in front of a packed house of industry members? and our esteemed judges, including Kurt Loder, Matthew Lillard, and Slamdance president Peter Baxter? and hand out over $10,000 in cash and prizes.?Check out our site?for more info and official rules. Space is limited, so?enter today!

What makes the CFC a unique experience is that it goes beyond competition. As the name suggests, this challenge is about bringing filmmakers together to transform one person?s vision into a masterpiece through powerful creative partnerships.

The deadline to register as a participant is April 8.


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Singer India.Arie laughs off skin-lightening talk

NEW YORK (AP) ? India.Arie is laughing off talk that she may have lightened her skin.

The R&B songstress is known for singing about being authentic and celebrating one's true self. But some accused India.Arie of lightening her skin when a publicity photo for her song "Cocoa Butter" released this week made it look as though she were several shades lighter than her dark brown complexion.

But India.Arie took to Twitter on Friday to deny the accusations, saying she has no desire to bleach her skin because she loves herself and her brown skin "more than ever." She also said that "magnificent lighting" is the cause for her "glow."

She added that she'd like to keep the conversation going, though, on the issue of racism and colorism in the black community.


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2 men plead not guilty in Chicago teen's death

CHICAGO (AP) ? Two men pleaded not guilty Thursday ? one to 141 counts of first-degree murder ? in the shooting death of a 15-year-old Chicago girl who performed at President Barack Obama's inaugural festivities days before she died.

Both Michael Ward, 18, and Kenneth Williams, 20, pleaded not guilty to first-degree murder, attempted murder, aggravated discharge of a firearm and a long list of other charges in Hadiya Pendleton's death.

She was shot Jan. 29 after she and her friends sought shelter from the rain in a city park. Ward and Williams had been hunting for rival gang members and Pendleton was an innocent bystander, prosecutors say.

Her killing about a mile from Obama's home on Chicago's South Side made national news and became a symbol of movements to end gun violence. Michelle Obama attended her funeral.

Ward was the one charged with 141 murder counts. His attorney, Jeff Granich, said in a phone interview Thursday he has never heard of a case of a single murder with anything close to that number of counts.

The high-profile nature of the case, he said, appears to have led prosecutors to pile on the charges.

"I know prosecutors want to show they're taking this case seriously," he said. "But the 141 counts have the opposite result: Instead of looking professional and serious, they look silly and dumb."

Some of the attempted murder counts and other charges relate to Pendleton's friends who were in the park with her. But Granich said he still couldn't fathom how prosecutors ended up with so many counts.

Contacted later Thursday, the Cook County State's Attorney's Office declined any comment.

In addition to the 141 murder counts, Ward is also charged with 10 counts of aggravated discharge of a firearm, eight counts of attempted murder, two of aggravated battery with a firearm and one of mob action.

Williams is charged with 17 counts of first-degree murder, 10 counts of aggravated discharge of a firearm, two counts of attempted murder, two of aggravated battery with a firearm and one of mob action.

Williams' lawyer, Matthew McQuaid, told reporters his client intends to go to trial.

"He didn't do this," he said.

The girl's father, Nathaniel Pendleton, also attended the hearing and told reporters afterward that he felt some anger seeing the suspects ? though he said his focus was on advocating nonviolence.

"You're going to feel some anger, but I feel confident they (authorities) will do what they have to do to make justice happen," he said.

Ward and Williams, who remain in jail without bail, are due in court again for a status hearing May 6.


Follow Michael Tarm at .


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Republicans Blast Don Young Over Racial Slur (ABC News)

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IMF sees Nigeria economy picking up steam in 2013

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Economic growth in Nigeria is likely to rise above 7 percent in 2013 with inflation slowing below double digits, the International Monetary Fund said on Thursday.

In its 2012 review of Africa's second largest economy, the IMF projected that the pace of growth would pick up to 7.2 percent this year from 6.3 percent in 2012.

It said Nigeria's tightening of monetary policy was in line with the authorities' efforts to contain inflation below 10 percent. The IMF also estimated that Nigeria's currency, the naira, was "broadly in line with fundamentals".

Nigeria's central bank held rates at 12 percent last week for the ninth consecutive time, citing concerns about ongoing external price pressures. Nigerian consumer inflation rose to 9.5 percent in February from 9 percent in January, staying within the central bank's single digit target. Food prices rose to 11 percent.


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'Gang of 8' See Border Patrol in Action (ABC News)

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America: Time to shake the salt habit?

Mar. 27, 2013 ? The love affair between U.S. residents and salt is making us sick: high sodium intake increases blood pressure, and leads to higher rates of heart attack and strokes. Nonetheless, Americans continue to ingest far higher amounts of sodium than those recommended by physicians and national guidelines.

A balanced review of the relevant literature has been published in the March 27, 2013 edition of The New England Journal of Medicine. Theodore A. Kotchen, MD, professor of medicine (endocrinology), and associate dean for clinical research at the Medical College of Wisconsin, is the lead author of the article.

Dr. Kotchen cites correlations between blood pressure and salt intake in a number of different studies; typically, the causation between lowering salt intake and decreased levels of blood pressure occur in individuals who have been diagnosed with hypertension. Although not as pronounced, there is also a link between salt intake and blood pressure in non-hypertensive individuals. Additionally, recent studies have demonstrated that a reduced salt intake is associated with decreased cardiovascular disease and decreased mortality.

In national studies in Finland and Great Britain, instituting a national salt-reduction program led to decreased sodium intake. In Finland, the resulting decrease in systolic and diastolic blood pressures corresponded to a 75 -- 80 percent decrease in death due to stroke and coronary heart disease.

Nevertheless, not all investigators concur with population-based recommendations to lower salt intake, and the reasons for this position are reviewed.

"Salt is essential for life, but it has been difficult to distinguish salt need from salt preference," said Dr. Kotchen. "Given the medical evidence, it seems that recommendations for reducing levels of salt consumption in the general population would be justifiable at this time." However, in terms of safety, the lower limit of salt consumption has not been clearly identified. In certain patient groups, less rigorous targets for salt reduction may be appropriate.

Co-authors are Allen W. Cowley, Jr., PhD, James J. Smith and Catherine Welsh Smith Professor in Physiology, and Harry and Gertrude Hack Term Professor and chairman of Physiology, the Medical College of Wisconsin; Edward D. Frohlich, MD, Alton Ocshner Distinguished Scientist at the Ochsner Clinic Foundation in New Orleans, La.

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Journal Reference:

  1. Theodore A. Kotchen, Allen W. Cowley, Edward D. Frohlich. Salt in Health and Disease ? A Delicate Balance. New England Journal of Medicine, 2013; 368 (13): 1229 DOI: 10.1056/NEJMra1212606

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Friday, March 29, 2013

UN envoy condemns 'Malala-style' attack on Pakistani teacher

By Becky Bratu, Staff Writer, NBC News

A female Pakistani teacher and mother of three was shot dead by two motorcyclists near the school where she taught in Peshawar, Pakistan.

UN Special Envoy for Global Education Gordon Brown has condemned the shooting as a "Malala-style" incident. Malala Yousafzai, 15, is a young advocate for women's education who was shot in the face at point-blank range by Taliban gunmen on Oct. 9 in Pakistan?s Swat Valley.

Shahnaz Bibi was a headmistress and a teacher at a primary school. She was on her way to work, traveling with her young son, when the attack took place. Her son, Daniel, 12, was unhurt.

"I want justice," he told ITV?s Penny Marshall. "My mother suffered an injustice, and I want the world to know that."

His father must now care for Daniel and his two sisters alone.

Yousafzai was one of the first to sign a petition asking the Pakistani government to protect women and girls pursuing an education.

"I think the petition that?s now being started and led by Malala herself is demanding that the Pakistani government not only get girls to school but protect teachers and girls when they go to school from extremist sects that are trying to deny girls in the 21st century the right to education," Brown, the former British prime minister, said.

Several female aid workers and teachers have died in similar attacks in Pakistan.


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HBT: Marlins' Morrison eyes return by mid-May

Logan Morrison has missed all of spring training as he recovers from knee surgery, but the Marlins first baseman is scheduled to take a big step in his comeback when he starts throwing, fielding, and running next week.

Morrison told Manny Navarro of the Miami Herald that he?s hoping to come off the disabled list by mid-May and described himself as ?frustrated? by having to sit out so much action.

Casey Kotchman has made the Marlins after signing a minor-league contract and will open the season as the starting first baseman. It?ll be interesting to see what happens if Kotchman fares well, because while Morrison has played quite a bit of left field in the past the Marlins probably wouldn?t want him in the outfield post-knee surgery and Kotchman can only play first base.


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Amanda Knox retrial: a tale of two countries' legal systems

Amanda Knox likely will not return to Italy for the murder retrial, and a new verdict is probably years away. In that time, much will be learned about the interaction of two 'very different legal systems.'

By Daniel B. Wood,?Staff writer / March 27, 2013

In this Oct. 3, 2011 file photo Amanda Knox cries after hearing the verdict that overturned her conviction and acquitted her of murdering her British roommate Meredith Kercher, at the Perugia court, central Italy, in 2011.

Pier Paolo Cito/AP/File


The decision by the Italian Supreme Court to retry American Amanda Knox for murder will highlight the differences between the two country?s legal systems and test how extradition treaties operate when citizens are convicted of crimes in a foreign country.

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The 25-year-old former exchange student in Perugia, Italy, was convicted in 2009 of murdering her British roommate, Meredith Kercher, and sentenced to 26 years in prison. She served almost four years before the verdict was overturned in 2011.

?This case will be very valuable for the spotlight it shines on how two countries with very different legal systems will behave in a high-profile case,? says Robert Pugsley, a professor at Southwestern Law School in Los Angeles.

He and others say it is unlikely that Ms. Knox will go to Italy for the trial, but she could be tried ?in absentia? (without her presence), and the verdict is likely still years away. Most analysts also agree that the US likely would not extradite Knox if the Italian court sentences her to more time.

General rules about extradition among Westernized countries hinge on the rights of the accused or convicted person in the country where they are located. So, for example, the US would not extradite Knox if it felt the Italian trial would expose her to "double jeopardy" ? a concept that violates the US Constitution.

?The Fifth Amendment includes a double jeopardy clause ? stating that ?[no] person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb,? ? says Ian Wallach, a criminal attorney in Los Angeles, who clerked at the International Criminal Tribunal in The Hague. ?Having Ms. Knox tried again would violate the USA?s public policy against double jeopardy.?

The reverse can also be true. Some countries refuse to extradite murder suspects to the US unless there is an agreement between the two countries that the death penalty won?t be sought, because the death penalty violates that country's public policy.

A key issue in the Knox case could be how the US State Department perceives the new development: Is it a new trial or the continuation of the one already completed? ?This is a very fascinating case and will shed lots of light on this,? says Luz Nagle, a professor at Stetson College of Law in Tampa, Fla..

The case is opening a window on how foreign courts operate, and how that affects Americans caught in them.

For its part, Italy guarantees defendants three levels of trial before a conviction is considered definitive, and both sides are granted the right to appeal ? a system that developed after World War II to prevent some of the abuses of fascist dictator Benito Mussolini. The flip side is that some high-profile officials have eluded prosecution for years, notably former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, who moved from trial to trial for 20 years.

?Americans are getting a good, long look at how careful the Italian system has become, but also how incredibly long it takes,? says Professor Nagle.

Other analysts caution against jumping to any conclusions before a written opinion is issued by Italy?s highest court, known as Cassation.

?We need to wait to read that opinion before we try to understand it,? says Mr. Wallach. ?First, we would be offended if anyone accused our judges of acting with improper motives. Second, we will know what the reasoning was once that decision is made public.?

In the meantime, Americans should relax, he says. ?We should do our best to respect the legal processes of other countries, and know that we have means to protect our own citizens from being subjected to outcomes of policies that are different from ours.?


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S. Africa's Nelson Mandela back in hospital

JOHANNESBURG (AP) ? Nelson Mandela, the anti-apartheid leader who became South Africa's first black president, has been admitted to a hospital with a recurring lung infection, South Africa said Thursday.

Mandela, 94, has become increasingly frail in recent years and has been hospitalized several times since last year, mostly recently earlier this month when he received what a presidential spokesman described as a "successful" medical test.

Mandela was admitted to a hospital just before midnight Wedesday "due to the recurrence of his lung infection," the office of President Jacob Zuma said in a statement.

"Doctors are attending to him, ensuring that he has the best possible expert medical treatment and comfort," the statement said. It appealed "for understanding and privacy in order to allow space to the doctors to do their work."

Zuma wished Mandela a speedy recovery, referring to him affectionately by his clan name, "Madiba."

"We appeal to the people of South Africa and the world to pray for our beloved Madiba and his family and to keep them in their thoughts. We have full confidence in the medical team and know that they will do everything possible to ensure recovery," the presidential statement quoted Zuma as saying.

Mandela spent a night in a hospital and was released on March 10 following a medical test. At that time, presidential spokesman Mac Maharaj said Mandela was "well."

In December, Mandela spent three weeks in a hospital, where he was treated for a lung infection and had a procedure to remove gallstones. A year ago, Mandela was admitted to a Johannesburg hospital for what officials initially described as tests but what turned out to be an acute respiratory infection. He was discharged days later. He also had surgery for an enlarged prostate gland in 1985.

Under South Africa's white-minority apartheid regime, Mandela served 27 years in prison, where he contracted tuberculosis, before being released in 1990. He later became the nation's first democratically elected president in 1994 under the banner of the African National Congress, helping to negotiate a relatively peaceful end to apartheid despite fears of much greater bloodshed. He served one five-year term as president before retiring.

Perceived successes during Mandela's tenure include the introduction of a constitution with robust protections for individual rights and the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, a panel that heard testimony about apartheid-era violations of human rights as a kind of national therapy session. South Africa still struggles with crime, economic inequality and other social ills.

Mandela last made a public appearance on a major stage when South Africa hosted the 2010 World Cup soccer tournament.


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Toddler Mauled by 7 Dogs Dies in Georgia | WebProNews

Family pets are,on the internet at least, normally shown as protective of their family, especially babies and children. One family in Georgia, however, learned that some pets don?t make friends with toddlers.

Local Savannah, Georgia news station WTOC is reporting that a 21-month-old girl was killed when seven dogs attacked her outside her home in Ellabell, Georgia. The seven dogs were all pit bulls or pit bull-mixed, and have now been put down.

The girl, Monica Laminack, reportedly crawled outside through a doggie door while her 12-year-old brother was supposed to be watching her. In total, there were a reported five people in the house at the time of the mauling. The family owned a total of nine dogs. A beagle and Irish setter were not involved in the attack, and were not put down.

Bryan County Sheriff Clyde Smith told WTOC that the girl was found with multiple bites on her body and had apparently been dragged throughout the yard sometime during the hour-and-a-half after she crawled outside. Smith related that the girl?s body was cold when first responders arrived, indicating that she had been dead for some time. The sheriff indicated that he expects charges related to the death to be filed.

(Image courtesy Dante Alighieri/Wikimedia Commons)


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Fewer children mean longer life?

Mar. 27, 2013 ? New research into ageing processes, based on modern genetic techniques, confirms theoretical expectations about the correlation between reproduction and lifespan. Studies of birds reveal that those that have offspring later in life and have fewer broods live longer. And the decisive factor is telomeres, shows research from The University of Gothenburg, Sweden.

Telomeres are the protective caps at the end of chromosomes. The length of telomeres influences how long an individual lives. Telomeres start off at a certain length, become shorter each time a cell divides, decline as the years pass by until the telomeres can no longer protect the chromosomes, and the cell dies. But the length of telomeres varies significantly among individuals of the same age. This is partly due to the length of the telomeres that has been inherited from the parents, and partly due to the amount of stress an individual is exposed to.

?This is important, not least for our own species, as we are all having to deal with increased stress,? says Angela Pauliny, Researcher from the Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences at the University of Gothenburg.

Researchers have studied barnacle geese, which are long-lived birds, the oldest in the study being 22 years old. The results show that geese, compared to short-lived bird species, have a better ability to preserve the length of their telomeres. The explanation is probably that species with a longer lifespan invest more in maintaining bodily functions than, for example, reproduction.

?There is a clear correlation between reproduction and ageing in the animal world. Take elephants, which have a long lifespan but few offspring, while mice, for example, live for a short time but produce a lot of offspring each time they try,? says Angela Pauliny.

The geese studied by researchers varied in age, from very young birds to extremely old ones. Each bird was measured twice, two years apart. One striking result was that the change in telomere length varied according to gender.

?The study revealed that telomeres were best-preserved in males. Among barnacle geese, the telomeres thus shorten more quickly in females, which in birds is the sex with two different gender chromosomes. Interestingly, it is the exactl opposite in humans,? says Angela Pauliny.

The journal BMC Evolutionary Biology has classified the research article ?Telomere dynamics in a long-lived bird, the barnacle goose? as ?Highly Accessed?.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of Gothenburg, via AlphaGalileo.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Angela Pauliny, Kjell Larsson, Donald Blomqvist. Telomere dynamics in a long-lived bird, the barnacle goose. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 2012; 12 (1): 257 DOI: 10.1186/1471-2148-12-257

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Tucker Carlson to co-host "Fox & Friends"

NEW YORK (AP) ? Fox News Channel says veteran conservative commentator Tucker Carlson will become co-host of the network's weekend morning show, "Fox & Friends."

Carlson will replace Dave Briggs, who left Fox at the end of last year. His co-hosts on the weekend chat fest are Alisyn Camerota and Clayton Morris. Carlson will continue to make other appearances on Fox News programming.

The commentator, known for his bow ties, is the founder and editor-in-chief of The Daily Caller. He worked at both CNN and MSNBC before joining Fox News.


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Thursday, March 28, 2013

Do high natural gas prices mean the shale boom is ending?

High natural gas prices?seriously undermine the official story that the US has a century of cheap natural gas waiting for the drillbit, Cobb writes.

By Kurt Cobb,?Guest blogger / March 26, 2013

A crew works on a gas drilling rig at a well site for shale based natural gas in Zelienople, Pa. The present and the past suggest that the so-called shale gas revolution is about to end, Cobb writes.

Keith Srakocic/AP/File


As U.S. natural gas prices flirt with the $4 mark, some skeptics of the so-called shale gas revolution think prices are headed much higher. Such a move would, not surprisingly, seriously undermine the official story that the United States has a century of cheap natural gas waiting for the drillbit.

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Kurt Cobb?is the author of the peak-oil-themed thriller, 'Prelude,' and a columnist for the Paris-based science news site Scitizen.?He is a founding member of the Association for the Study of Peak Oil and Gas?USA, and he serves on the board of the Arthur Morgan Institute for Community Solutions. For more of his Resource Insights posts, click?here.

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Several years ago when natural gas began flowing in great quantities from deep shale deposits beneath American soil, it seemed to be the beginning of the end of America?s troubled journey into dependence on energy imports?a journey marked by frequent worry, occasional war and enormous expense.

But, to some people this supposed solution to America?s energy needs has begun to seem as costly to the environment and human health as the country?s dependence on imported energy has been in terms of mental distress, money and blood. It turns out that this new kind of natural gas requires the industrialization of the countryside in order to extract it. And that, say those closest to the action, risks tainting air, land, and drinking water and compromising the health of humans and animals alike.

Well, at least we can say that shale gas is plentiful, cheap, American, and much easier on the climate than coal or oil. It didn?t take too long before people started looking into whether shale gas really was that much easier on the climate.?A Cornell University researcher came to the conclusion that shale gas was probably worse for climate change than coal. His conclusion hinged in part on what are called ?fugitive emissions??unintentional, but unavoidable releases of unburned methane into the atmosphere during the?hydraulic fracturingoperations performed to extract the gas. Methane is?some 20 times more potent?than carbon dioxide as a greenhouse gas.?

First Android-only 'Humble Mobile Bundle' now available

Today The Humble Bundle is introducing a mobile-only (and Android-only) "Humble Mobile Bundle", which is now available for your enjoyment. The Humble Bundle has been around for some time, and has also recently started including Android versions of games alongside Windows, Mac and Linux versions. This is the first time the bundle will only contain Android games, however. We recently reviewed each game in Humble Bundle 5 and came away impressed. This time around, we're looking at six great games:

  • Contre Jour
  • Anomaly Korea
  • Plants vs. Zombies
  • Bladeslinger
  • The Rooma
  • Metal Slug 3

If you're not familiar with the Humble Bundle system, it's a "pay what you want" model that lets you donate any amount you please and receive the first four games, and the last two games if you donate over the average. A portion of the proceeds also go to charity, which is great. The games are also DRM-free, which is a huge bonus. The average donation is currently $5.44, and you have just shy of two weeks left to donate yourself.

Source: Humble Bundle


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Ad Industry Attacks Against Mozilla Reveal Poor Choice of ...

The Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) and Association of National Advertisers (ANA) have launched a coordinated campaign against Mozilla in retaliation for the browser developer's Firefox?patch?that block cookies from any site that a user has not visited by default?("third party cookies"). But rather than mounting a campaign that attacks Mozilla directly,?IAB/ANA strategy is focused on scaring users by threatening more?advertisements.?

The rhetoric flowing from IAB and ANA is reminiscent of the 2012 presidential campaign - or the blather we now expect to hear following any ?given session of either branch of the US Congress; in fact, the sound bites from Computerworld's quotes from ANA's Dan Jaffe?and IAB's Randall Rothenberg are all too familiar:

"This is damaging to consumer interest and will undermine the Internet" - ANA

"It will cost jobs, and it will destabilize the ad-supported internet economy" -??IAB

"thousands of small businesses that make up the diversity of content and services online will be forced to close their doors" - IAB

"All users, no matter the browser they?re using, will lose access to independent websites produced by small businesses"?-?IAB

"Without third-party cookies, they [users] will see an increase in the irrelevant spam advertising served to them" -?IAB

Let's look at what the fear facts don't reveal.?

Third party cookies do afford users what Rothenberg describes as "robust, personalized experiences" but hardly with the "uncompromised sense of trust" he assures is present. Advertisers do not share information about how they are tracked with users or what parties are obtaining their behavior data, so there is hardly a basis for a user to assert trust or feel uncompromised.

Rothenberg claims that users "enjoy" personalized experiences. Mozilla claims that "users frequently express concerns about web tracking". ?In Suicide by Cookies, it's "stealing user data that can be monetized directly to ad buyers, or even resold in bulk data transactions via various exchanges."?Curiously, Rothenberg quotes a gamer site operator who claims that "30-45% of our readers use an ad blocker". This statistic is surely sufficent to at least suggest that users do not unilaterally trust third parties.?

Mozilla's Firefox patch will require that the user "must directly interact with a site or company for a cookie to be installed on their machine".?IAB/ANA claim users will see more advertising "spam" as a consequence. IAB/ANA really don't mean "spam" but "advertisements that are not based on prior user web behavior". This seems to be an admission that, like the MPAA and RIAA, online advertisers are more willing to defend a legacy business model than innovate.


Jaffe claims that Mozilla's patch will damage consumer interests. I'll generously assume he means that Mozilla is infringing on a user's right to choose what ads are displayed, but generosity aside, please go read the post or look at the privacy tab, Dan. Mozilla is changing the default and not preventing the user from choosing to see ads for all eternity. Yours is another case where opt-in triumphs over opt-out, with the predictable cry of foul from those whose businesses are based on intrusive rather than invited opportunity.?

John Boehner would be hard pressed to produce more dire - or less credible -predictions than the IAB/ANA. Mozilla cookie policies - or browser cookie policies, generally - are hardly all that separates small businesses from bankruptcy. People do and will search?for small businesses online. And they will not cease to consider advertising.?

Thousands of people in the soon-to-be destabilized ad-supported Internet economy won't lose jobs unless online advertisers choose to follow the course MPAA/RIAA have set. But even a long-time defender of cookie-setting and tracking like George Simpson observes, ?"I appreciate the economics of this industry, and know that it is imperative to wring every last CPM out of every impression -- but after a while, folks not in our business simply don't care anymore, and will move to kill any kind of tracking that users don't explicitly opt in to."


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Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Apple plans to triple retail presence in India amid speculation of a cheaper iPhone

Mar 26 (Reuters) - Leading money winners on the 2013 PGATour on Monday (U.S. unless stated): 1. Tiger Woods $3,787,600 2. Brandt Snedeker $2,859,920 3. Matt Kuchar $2,154,500 4. Steve Stricker $1,820,000 5. Phil Mickelson $1,650,260 6. Hunter Mahan $1,553,965 7. John Merrick $1,343,514 8. Dustin Johnson $1,330,507 9. Russell Henley $1,313,280 10. Kevin Streelman $1,310,343 11. Keegan Bradley $1,274,593 12. Charles Howell III $1,256,373 13. Michael Thompson $1,254,669 14. Brian Gay $1,171,721 15. Justin Rose $1,155,550 16. Jason Day $1,115,565 17. Chris Kirk $1,097,053 18. ...


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Court grounds packed on first day of marriage case

From left, attorney David Boies, plaintiffs, Sandy Stier, with partner Kris Perry, from Berkeley, Calif., Jeff Zarrillo, with partner Paul Katami from Burbank, Calif., and their attorney Theodore Olson leave the Supreme Court in Washington, Tuesday, March 26, 2013, after the heard arguments on California's voter approved ban on same-sex marriage, Proposition 8. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)

From left, attorney David Boies, plaintiffs, Sandy Stier, with partner Kris Perry, from Berkeley, Calif., Jeff Zarrillo, with partner Paul Katami from Burbank, Calif., and their attorney Theodore Olson leave the Supreme Court in Washington, Tuesday, March 26, 2013, after the heard arguments on California's voter approved ban on same-sex marriage, Proposition 8. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)

A demonstrator holds a bible while marching outside the Supreme Court in Washington, Tuesday, March 26, 2013, as the court heard arguments on California's voter approved ban on same-sex marriage, Proposition 8. The Supreme Court waded into the fight over same-sex marriage Tuesday, at a time when public opinion is shifting rapidly in favor of permitting gay and lesbian couples to wed, but 40 states don't allow it. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)

Actor, director and producer Robert Reiner is interviewed outside the Supreme Court in Washington, Tuesday, March 26, 2013, before the court will hear arguments on California?s voter approved ban on same-sex marriage. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)

Demonstrators march outside the Supreme Court in Washington, Tuesday, March 26, 2013, as the court heard arguments on California's voter approved ban on same-sex marriage. The Supreme Court waded into the fight over same-sex marriage Tuesday, at a time when public opinion is shifting rapidly in favor of permitting gay and lesbian couples to wed, but 40 states don't allow it. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)

Demonstrators walk outside the Supreme Court in Washington, Tuesday, March 26, 2013, where the court will hear arguments on California's voter approved ban on same-sex marriage, Proposition 8. The Supreme Court waded into the fight over same-sex marriage Tuesday, at a time when public opinion is shifting rapidly in favor of permitting gay and lesbian couples to wed, but 40 states don't allow it. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)

(AP) ? They mostly kept their distance, these supporters and opponents of gay marriage, as they massed Tuesday in front of the Supreme Court to proclaim with signs and slogans their conflicting views about the cutting-edge question before the justices.

People who favor legalizing same-sex marriage carried pictures of gay weddings and families and held signs that read "marriage is a constitutional right." They waved American and rainbow flags, and one man in devil horns danced in pink heels and a rainbow tutu.

Opponents, meanwhile, marched down a roadway in front of the court, hoisting placards including "Every child deserves a mom & dad" and "Vote for holy matrimony."

By the time the court began its session, which on Tuesday dealt with California's ban on same-sex marriage, the sidewalk outside was packed. Supporters spilled over to the other side of the roadway. "Gay, straight, black, white, marriage is a civil right," the crowd chanted at one point, followed by "we honor this moment with love."

Many supporters of gay marriage came with homemade signs including ones that read "a more perfect union," ''love is love," and "'I do!' want 2 B (equals)" Some signs had pictures of gay couples. "Together 34 years," read one, "married with pride," said another.

Gahan Kelley and Bonnie Nemeth, both 69, of Richmond, Va., had matching signs with their California marriage license on one side and a picture of their wedding ceremony on the other. The couple married in California during the 142 days when it was legal.

"This decision can change our lives tremendously," said Kelley of the Supreme Court cases.

Nemeth said she was hopeful that the court would support gay marriage.

"I really think we're going to win," she said.

Another couple, Stacey Parker, 37, and Debbie Sentner, 43, drove from Toledo, Ohio, to Washington to demonstrate. The pair married in Massachusetts in 2009, but their home state doesn't recognize their marriage. On Tuesday they carried signs that said "Tired of being a second class citizen" and "we the people means everyone."

"To us we feel married but we don't really feel complete until we can actually get all the rights and recognition that a lot of people take for granted," Parker said.

While many people were at the court to demonstrate, others stood in line to get inside the court to hear the arguments. Actor-director Rob Reiner, who helped lead the fight against California's Proposition 8, which barred gay couples from marrying in the state, was at the head of the line. Some people had waited since last Thursday ? even through light snow ? for coveted seats to hear the argument.

Supporters of gay marriage were initially the majority of the crowd standing outside the court, but a smaller group stood holding signs backing traditional marriage. Mike Krzywonos, 57, of Pawtucket, R.I., wore a button that read "marriage 1 man + 1 woman." Krzywonos, a retired metal worker, said his group is the "silent majority."

"The whole country does not want this," he said as helped hold a sign that read, "just because you don't get it does not give you the right to change it."

The crowd of opponents swelled just as the court began considering the case not long after 10 a.m. EDT. Opponents staged a march down the street in front of the court as supporters stood on both sides of the roadway. Some conversations between the two sides got heated, even with police escorting the group. Austin Ruse, 56, was one of the people who exchanged words with the other side, asking two women supporting same-sex marriage whether a man should be allowed to marry his adult son.

"If anyone can get married then marriage has no meaning," Ruse said later.

Christine Clark, 47, of Pittsfield, Pa., was participating in the march with her teenage children and their cousin. She said she knows and loves gay people but does not believe in gay marriage.

"We're not hating," said her daughter, Lydia Clark, 13.

Outside the court after the argument had concluded, supporters of same-sex marriage chanted, "Equal justice under the law," the motto inscribed on the face of the marble court building, and cheered as their attorneys, David Boies and former solicitor general Ted Olson, emerged from the court.

Boies called the arguments a "very thoughtful hearing." Asked if the court was ready to make a sweeping ruling, Olson said he had "no idea."

But Olson said public support is in favor of same-sex marriage.

"We are confident where the American people are going with this," he said. "We don't know for sure what the United States Supreme Court is going to do, but we're very, very gratified that they listened, they heard, they asked hard questions, and there's no denying where the right is and we hope that the Supreme Court will come out in that way when they make this decision in June."

Andrew Pugno, an attorney for, the group that defended Proposition 8 in court, said his side was able to say everything they wanted to during arguments and would look forward to the court's decision.

"I think that we'll see a very reasoned decision from this court," he said.

The court will hear one more day of arguments on the issue of gay marriage. On Wednesday the court will consider a case involving the federal Defense of Marriage Act, which defines marriage as between a man and a woman.


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Associated Press


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