Friday, May 31, 2013

Melted Ice Cream Sauce: Turn That Frown Upside Down

Oh no. Tragedy struck. Your ice cream melted. You can't put it back in the freezer, it will never be the same consistency. But wait -- not all is lost, so definitely don't throw it out -- turn it into melted ice cream sauce!

Now, don't wrinkle your noses up at us. There is a method to our madness. Ever had creme anglaise? That lovely, custard-like sauce that gets drizzled over warm cakes, fried dough and fresh berries? We hate to burst your bubble, but that's basically an ice cream base that never gets frozen. So... by the transitive property (or something) melted vanilla ice cream just turns right back into a lazy cook's creme anglaise (guys, Ina Garten recommends it, so we know it's okay). Here are some things you should put melted ice cream sauce on:

1. Crumbles and Cobblers
melted ice cream

2. Pie
melted ice cream

Big pies! Little pies! Fruit pies! All the pies!

3. Pound Cake
melted ice cream

Pound cake and creme anglaise were basically made for each other.

4. Fresh Berries
melted ice cream

5. Pancakes
melted ice cream

We know how crazy this sounds, but obviously this person thought it was good enough to put a picture of it on the internet.

melted ice cream

We know! It's crazy! Call the cops, we don't care! But also, this was not our idea. This was Chris Pratt's (of Parks and Rec) idea. "You can pour melted ice cream on regular ice cream! It's like a sauce!" Pratt told Vulture.

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Boston bombing suspects is walking, mother says

MAKHACHKALA, Russia (AP) ? The remaining suspect in the Boston Marathon bombings has recovered enough to walk and assured his parents in a phone conversation that he and his slain brother were innocent, their mother told The Associated Press on Thursday.

Meanwhile, the father of a Chechen immigrant killed in Florida while being interrogated by the FBI about his ties to the slain brother maintained that the U.S. agents killed his son "execution-style."

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, 19, walked without a wheelchair to speak to his mother last week for the first and only phone conversation they have had since he has been in custody, Zubeidat Tsarnaeva told the AP.

In a rare glimpse at Dzhokhar Tsarnaev's state of mind, he told her he was getting better and that he had a very good doctor, but was struggling to understand what happened, she said.

"He didn't hold back his emotions either, as if he were screaming to the whole world: What is this? What's happening?," she said.

The April 15 bombings killed three people and wounded more than 260. Elder brother, 26-year-old Tamerlan Tsarnaev, was killed in a shootout with police, and Dzhokhar remains in a prison hospital after being badly wounded.

"I could just feel that he was being driven crazy by the unfairness that happened to us, that they killed our innocent Tamerlan," their mother said, standing by the family's insistent belief that their children are innocent.

The Tsarnaevs met the AP in their new apartment in a 14-story building in a well-to-do area of Makhachkala, the capital of the restive Caucasus province of Dagestan. The apartment had no furniture apart from a TV, a few rugs, and wallpaper materials lying on the floor.

Anzor Tsarnaev, the suspects' father, said they had bought it for Tamerlan, his wife, and their young daughter in the expectation that they would move to Makhachkala later this year. He added that they planned to turn their old home in a dingy district on the outskirts of town into a dentist's office, so that Dzhokhar, a dental hygiene student, could work out of it after completing his studies.

"All I can do is pray to God and hope that one day fairness will win out, our children will be cleared, and we will at least get Dzhokhar back, crippled, but at least alive," Tsarnaev said.

Separately, at a news conference in Moscow, the father of a 27-year-old mixed martial arts fighter who was killed during FBI questioning accused agents of being "bandits" who executed his son.

Abdul-Baki Todashev showed journalists 16 photographs that he said were of his son, Ibragim, in a Florida morgue. He said his son had six gunshot wounds to his torso and one to the back of his head and the pictures were taken by his son's friend, Khusen Taramov.

It was not immediately possible to authenticate the photographs.

The FBI says Todashev was being questioned by an FBI agent and two Massachusetts state troopers about his ties to Tamerlan Tsarnaev, as well as about a 2011 triple slaying in Massachusetts.

Three law enforcement officials said initially that Ibragim Todashev had lunged at the FBI agent with a knife, although two of them later said it was no longer clear what had happened.

The father said his son was "100 percent unarmed."

Taramov confirmed Thursday that he had taken some pictures of Ibragim Todashev's body at an Orlando funeral home and sent them to the father. He said Ibragim Todashev had a decorative sword with a broken handle, but that it was not a weapon.

"The sword wouldn't cut nothing," Tamarov said. "I played with it many times. It wasn't sharp from any angle. It would do the same harm as a piece of wood."

A spokesman for the Boston FBI declined to comment Thursday on the claim that Todashev was unarmed.

The father said Taramov told him that U.S. agents interrogated him on the street while five officials interrogated Todashev in his Florida house for eight hours on May 22, the night he was shot.

Todashev's father said that his son moved to the U.S. in 2008 on a study exchange program and met Tsarnaev at a boxing gym in Boston in 2011, about a year before he moved to Orlando. He said the two were "not particularly close friends."

Prior to last month's bombings, Todashev underwent an operation for a sports injury and was on crutches, making it physically impossible for him to have been involved in the bombings, his father said. He added that Todashev had recently received a green card and was planning to return to Chechnya for the summer last Friday, two days after he was killed.

The father said he and his brother were interviewed at the U.S. Embassy in Moscow on Thursday as they sought a visa to take his son's body back to Chechnya.

FBI agents interrogated the younger Todashev twice before the night he was shot, his father said. He said his son told him that he thought Tsarnaev had been set up to take the blame for the bombings.

"I'd only seen and heard things like that in the movies ? they shoot somebody and then a shot in the head to make sure," Todashev said.

"These just aren't FBI agents, they're bandits," he added.

The Tsarnaevs' parents have held fast to their belief that their sons were framed. Zubeidat Tsarnaeva, dressed all in black and still visibly distressed, showed AP several YouTube videos on an iPad she claimed cleared her sons. They could not be authenticated by the AP.

"I remember when our cat was sick, Tamerlan was sick himself for two days afterward, because he was so worried about her," Tsarnaeva said.

She said Tamerlan told her about Todashev, and that she and her husband had invited him to visit them in Russia, though he never came. Tamerlan later told them that he and Todashev were unlikely to continue training together since they practiced different sports, and he appeared to have lost track of him after Todashev moved to Florida, Tsarnaeva added.


Seddon reported from Moscow. Associated Press writer Denise Lavoie in Boston and Kyle Hightower in Orlando contributed to the story.


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Analysis: Behind China's U.S. pork deal, fears over feed additives

By P.J. Huffstutter and Lisa Baertlein

CHICAGO/LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - When Smithfield Foods Inc. quietly weaned the first of its pigs off the controversial feed additive ractopamine last year, it may have helped open the door for a Chinese counterpart to acquire the world's largest hog producer.

Used for more than a decade in the U.S. livestock industry to help pigs quickly build lean muscle instead of fat, the additive had begun to ring alarm bells among some major meat importing countries around the globe. U.S. media reports of ractopamine-fed pigs becoming sick fueled questions among food-safety critics last year about the potential long-term impact on human health.

Among worried buyers was China, a nation stung by a series of food-safety scandals including the export of arsenic-laden apple juice as well as toxic toothpaste; authorities had been on high alert after a 2011 scare with a different, and toxic, growth drug found in some pork. This March, China began requiring third-party verification that U.S. pork products were ractopamine-free. Russia, the sixth-largest buyer of U.S. pork, had blocked imports of U.S. meat using ractopamine weeks before.

The measures highlighted a sharp contrast with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, which approved ractopamine for use in commercially-raised swine in 1999 and stands by that decision, saying its safety has been corroborated four times. It is used in more than half of the U.S. hog herd, analysts estimate.

Now Smithfield's move to eliminate ractopamine from more than half of its operations is likely to intensify questions both about the safety of medicated additives and about the livestock industry's increasing reliance on Big Pharma to help engineer the perfect pig - bigger and cheaper than ever.

The company's decision to break ranks also may pressure peers to follow its lead ? or relinquish access to the world's fastest-growing food market, China.

Smithfield's move may have helped clear the way for Wednesday's deal to sell the company to Shuanghui International for $4.7 billion, which if completed will be the biggest Chinese takeover of a U.S. firm, says Tim Ramey, an analyst with DA Davidson & Co.

"I think it was an enabling factor for this to happen," Ramey said.

"We have said we will make the changes that are necessary," Smithfield's Chief Executive Larry Pope said on a conference call with analysts on Wednesday morning in reference to its reduced use of ractopamine. "The rest of the industry is simply going to have to make their own decisions ... I think the industry will see this as sort of a lightning rod to make the change."

Indeed, the U.S. livestock supply chain could face some hard choices in the coming years. One key issue: How to convince an ever-more skeptical U.S. consumer to either accept that their meat was produced with drugs, or agree to pay more for "low-end" meat marketed as "all-natural."

"The issue is whether you can get people to pay premium prices for non-premium cuts," said Michael Swanson, agricultural economist for Wells Fargo.

The debate over ractopamine use will also be closely watched by one of the pharmaceutical industry's largest players: Eli Lilly and Co., whose Elanco Animal Health unit is one of the leading producers of such medicated feed additives, and fueled nearly a tenth of the company's revenues in 2012.

Eli Lilly declined to comment Wednesday on the deal. Elanco said in a statement that it works closely with both Smithfield and Shuanghui, and that the deal should have minimal impact on its business.


Ractopamine emerged in the 1990s, when consumers demanding "all natural" meats raised without growth hormones forced ranchers and meat packers to seek new solutions.

The pharmaceutical industry offered a new class of growth promoting agents called "beta-agonists," which are now part of the $22 billion global market in medicines, vaccines, feed additives and parasiticides for pets and livestock.

Ractopamine is a beta-agonist. Initially developed to treat asthma in humans, ractopamine was found to be extremely effective at changing the metabolism of an animal, so that the animal would quickly and cost-effectively add sought-after muscle. The FDA approved the use of beta-agonists in pigs in 1999, for cattle in 2003 and for turkeys in 2008.

"FDA remains confident in the safety and effective use of the drug when used in accordance with the approved labeling," says FDA spokeswoman Shelly L. Burgess.

Not everyone takes comfort in such assurances. Since some low levels of ractopamine have been found to be present in meat after slaughter, the question for consumer advocates is whether there is a health risk to humans who eat such products over the long term.

The FDA says there is no health risk associated with consuming such meat. The FDA has said ractopamine residues are not known to cause resistance to antibiotics.

No independently-funded scientific research has studied human health impacts from long-term, low-level consumption of meat raised with such additives.

While many meat producers such as Tyson Foods Inc depend on independent farmers for hogs, Smithfield has moved to take control over more of its own farms, allowing it to move more quickly to reduce use of the additive in the supply chain.

By early May, Smithfield already had moved two of its plants - including Tar Heel, North Carolina, the world's largest pork-processing facility - off ractopamine. When the third plant converts on June 1, "over 50 percent of our operations will have no ractopamine as part of their feed rations," CEO Pope said.

Tyson, which owns very few hogs, has started producing some pork without ractopamine because the company is "concerned about how the use of these supplements is restricting U.S. access to some important export markets," said spokesman Worth Sparkman.


The growth in animal health products has been a boon for the pharmaceutical industry, and in particular for Eli Lilly, which will face generic competition for seven of its top ten selling drugs for humans in the next four years. All told, these drugs made up about 68 percent of Lilly's 2012 revenue, according to SEC filings.

Leveraging the research and technology of drugs developed for humans into drugs adapted for animal use, the global animal health sector has been growing at about 6 percent annually, said Tony Butler, managing director at Barclays Equity Research.

While rivals like Merck & Co and Sanofi have focused on vaccines and parasiticides, Elanco is a leader in the production of ractopamine-based feed additives, say industry analysts. Over half of its business is food additives, said Butler.

Elenco contributed 9 percent of Eli's total sales in 2012, according to SEC filings.

Eli Lilly does not disclose in its regulatory filings how much of Elanco's business comes from Smithfield. However, if Smithfield were to further reduce its ractopamine use, Butler said, "I would argue that it would affect business."

(Reporting By P.J. Huffstutter in Chicago and Lisa Baertlein in Los Angeles. Additional reporting by Caroline Humer in New York; Editing by Jonathan Leff and Martin Howell)


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Tuesday, May 28, 2013

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Source: --- Tuesday, May 28, 2013
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Southwest's monsoon season may heat up with the climate

Warmer temperatures may bring stronger rainy seasons over the long term, study finds

Warmer temperatures may bring stronger rainy seasons over the long term, study finds

By Erin Wayman

Web edition: May 28, 2013


Scientists analyzed a cave formation, like the ones shown, from Carlsbad Caverns to investigate monsoon activity over the last 1,400 years.

Credit: NPS Photo by Peter Jones

The summer monsoon that dumps rain on an otherwise-arid American Southwest may grow stronger as the climate warms, suggests a study of the region?s monsoon patterns of the last millennium. ?

Across the Northern Hemisphere, monsoons ? winds that change directions seasonally, altering rainfall ? could intensify, the team reports May 27 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

The results complement recent observations and simulations of monsoon activity, says Pang-chi Hsu, a climate scientist at the University of Hawaii at Manoa, who was not involved in the work. ?We do see enhanced Northern Hemisphere monsoons over the recent decades, from the 1970s.?

In many regions, farmers and others depend on summer monsoons to deliver more than half the year?s rain. The researchers can?t say whether stronger monsoons will result in more water overall for these areas, says coauthor Yemane Asmerom, a geochemist at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque. Warmer air holds more moisture, which leads to more rain. But, he says, warmer temperatures also increase evaporation in dry places such as the Southwest.

One outcome of stronger monsoons could be fewer but heavier fits of rain, which could unleash flash floods, says climate scientist Andy Turner of the University of Reading in England. But local factors will probably cause regional differences in monsoon. For example, he says, the concentration of soot and other aerosols or land surface features might weaken monsoons in some areas, offsetting some of the strengthening caused by warmer temperatures.

In the new study, Asmerom and colleagues analyzed a stalagmite from Bat Cave in New Mexico?s Carlsbad Caverns. Such cave formations are archives of past climate. New layers grow each year as water dripping into the cave evaporates, allowing dissolved minerals to crystallize. In arid regions, the thickness of these layers corresponds with how much moisture was present, Asmerom says. The chemistry in the layers of these cave formations also reveals whether a year was relatively wet or dry.

To see how the North American monsoon over the last 1,400 years compared with monsoons elsewhere, the team looked at other cave formations and sediments that record changes in the East Asian and West African monsoons over the same period. Then they matched up monsoon activity with records of temperature in the Northern Hemisphere and North Atlantic Ocean. A striking pattern emerged: Over long timescales of multiple decades and centuries, all three monsoons behaved similarly. Warm temperatures made the monsoons wetter while cold temperatures dried them out. During an extended cold period known as the Little Ice Age, for instance, the entire Northern Hemisphere appears to have suffered a ?superdrought? that lasted from 1350 to 1650, the team found.

But on shorter timescales, monsoon activity was more erratic from year to year. That?s because of regional differences and natural patterns of short-term climate variability, Asmerom says.

The researchers also found a connection between solar activity and the monsoons. Weaker monsoons and droughts often corresponded with periods of when the amount of solar radiation reaching the planet was low. The relationship between solar output, temperature and monsoon strength is probably a complicated one, Asmerom says. ?How that whole thing works, we don?t know.? But, he says, compared with the sun?s activity, warming caused by high concentrations of greenhouse gases will likely have a larger effect on future monsoons.

E. Wayman. Watering fields in California boosts rainfall in Southwest. Science News. Vol. 183, February 23, 2013, p. 16. [Go to]

J. Raloff. Extremely bad weather. Science News. Vol. 182, November 17, 2012, p. 22. [Go to]

S. Perkins. Cultivation changed monsoon in Asia. Science News Online, June 1, 2009. [Go to]

S. Perkins. Stalagmite is scribe for monsoons, society. Science News Online, November 6, 2008. [Go to]


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US, Russia discuss Syria, as EU nixes arms embargo

In this photo released on Sunday, May 26, 2013, by the Syrian official news agency SANA, Syrian forces loyal to Syrian President Bashar Assad take their position during a clashes against Syrian rebels, in Aleppo, Syria. Syria's Information Ministry says rebels have killed a TV correspondent who was covering clashes near the border with Lebanon. (AP Photo/SANA)

In this photo released on Sunday, May 26, 2013, by the Syrian official news agency SANA, Syrian forces loyal to Syrian President Bashar Assad take their position during a clashes against Syrian rebels, in Aleppo, Syria. Syria's Information Ministry says rebels have killed a TV correspondent who was covering clashes near the border with Lebanon. (AP Photo/SANA)

BRUSSELS (AP) ? The European Union has ended its arms embargo to Syria's outgunned rebels just as top U.S. and Russian diplomats try to persuade Syria's opposition and President Bashar Assad's regime to attend peace talks in Geneva.

The diplomatic moves, accompanied by an unannounced visit by Sen. John McCain to rebel forces in Syria, aim to put more pressure on Assad to seek a negotiated settlement to end Syria's 2-year-old civil war.

The prospect of EU nations being able to send weapons to the rebels while maintaining stiff economic sanctions against Assad's regime also sends a message to Russia. Moscow has unabashedly sent weapons to Assad's regime ? and EU arms deliveries could partially re-balance the firepower in the war.

Russia's deputy foreign minister, Sergei Ryabkov, lashed out at the move, saying it undermines the efforts of both Russia and the U.S to mediate peace talks.

He called the decision "a manifestation of double standards."

Associated Press


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Great Lakes region pins economic hopes on water

MILWAUKEE (AP) ? A century ago, the seven-story brick building a few blocks from downtown was a factory ? a symbol of an era when Milwaukee and other cities ringing the Great Lakes were industrial powerhouses churning out steel, automobiles and appliances. Eventually the region's manufacturing core crumbled, and the structure became an all-but-forgotten warehouse.

Now it's getting a makeover and a new mission. It will reopen this summer as a hive of business experimentation swarming with scientists, engineers and entrepreneurs. They'll share a lab where new technologies can be tested. Office suites will host startup companies, including one devising a system for cultivating algae as biofuel, another producing a type of pavement that lets rainwater seep into the ground instead of flooding sewers.

The center is part of a broader effort unfolding across the Great Lakes region to regain lost prosperity by developing a "blue economy" ? a network of industries that develop products and services related to water, from pump and valve manufacturers to resorts offering vacations along redeveloped lakeshores.

As growing water scarcity casts a shadow over the economic boom in warmer states, many in the long-scorned northlands are hoping they can finally make their abundance of freshwater a magnet for businesses and jobs that are now going elsewhere. The idea is either a perfect nexus of opportunity and timing, or? as some in the Sun Belt believe? just another longshot attempt by a cold and downtrodden region to reverse history.

In the eight Great Lakes states, organizations devoted to the venture are springing up, with headquarters, government grants and binders full of Power Points and five-year plans. Universities are establishing freshwater science and engineering programs. Businesses are developing products such as advanced filtration systems for sale in countries where water isn't just scarce, but also polluted. Milwaukee has taken a pivotal role from its perch beside Lake Michigan, with $83.5 million in public and private money budgeted over the next year to support water-related businesses and research.

"We all recognize that water has become more and more of a precious commodity," said Tom Barrett, mayor of Milwaukee. "We have to do a much better job of promoting it."

The Great Lakes ? Superior, Huron, Michigan, Erie and Ontario ? hold nearly one-fifth of the freshwater on the Earth's surface. But in one of the nation's most vivid anomalies, some of the saddest, most bedraggled urban wastelands sit on the shores of the vast inland seas. After the collapse of heavy manufacturing unleashed an exodus of jobs to the South and West, one proposal after another for turning things around fell short.

But drought has gripped the Sun Belt in recent years, and federal scientists predict recurrent periods similar to the 1930s Dust Bowl if climate change models prove accurate. Worried leaders there are floating increasingly radical proposals, from billion-dollar pipelines traversing hundreds of miles to creating artificial lakes.

"I don't like to get into an us-versus-them situation, but the drought in these other locations is going to get worse and worse and what we have to offer is going to get more and more attractive," said David Ullrich, executive director of an organization representing the Great Lakes region's mayors.

Sun Belt leaders, while acknowledging the problem, scoff at the idea of companies choosing the Midwest instead. They say they're already working on solutions. Texas voters in 2011 authorized a $6 billion bond issue for water infrastructure, including building more than two dozen reservoirs in coming decades.

Besides just warm weather, "We provide economic opportunity," said Tom Hayden, mayor of the Flower Mound, Texas, a Dallas suburb of 70,000 where the population has tripled in the past two decades. "We help businesses grow instead of seeing how much we can squeeze them with taxes."

Water availability is just one factor that influences where businesses locate, said Jason Morrison of the Pacific Institute, author of a report on likely economic fallout from a drier climate. Still, he acknowledged, the outlook is disconcerting.

"It's pretty certain that water-related risk for business will increase over the long haul in more places," he said.

Al Henes, who runs a brewery and pub in Flagstaff, Ariz., has waterless urinals and reuses water in his beer-making operation, but worries about the future as housing developments and golf courses keep springing up. Even so, he said, he's not ready to forsake his beloved canyon country's stunning scenery and outdoorsy lifestyle.

"You guys get a little colder up there," Henes said dryly. Recalling childhood winter visits with his grandmother in Michigan, he added: "Some of my words would just freeze in my mouth and fall on the ground and shatter."

Milwaukee reflects the grandeur of the lake region's past as well as its decline and the quest to rebuild. A downtown statue of "The Fonz" evokes wistful memories of "Happy Days" prosperity, when more than half of the adult workforce had factory jobs with manufacturers like Allis-Chalmers, now defunct. Some warehouses and storefronts still sit empty, and the remnants of beer giants Schlitz, Pabst and Blatz have been turned to other uses.

Though brewing is a shadow of its former self here, local leaders are newly mindful that the industry, which used huge volumes of water, attracted other businesses that still remain vibrant. Worldwide, water technology? pumps, valves and more? generates $500 billion a year and is growing rapidly, said John Austin, director of the Brookings Institution's Great Lakes Economic Initiative.

The Milwaukee-based Water Council, a research and networking organization, now has more than 100 members, including the brewer MillerCoors. The technology center is expected to host a half-dozen startups at a time, with frequent turnover as companies grow and move to bigger locations.

John Gurda, a local historian, said it's about time Milwaukee gave up chasing the same high tech medicine and computer software companies sought by every other city.

"The strength of this (water-oriented) strategy is that it's playing to Milwaukee's natural and historical strengths."

But Austin, the Brookings analyst, said economic revival also depends on doing more to make the region's 10,000 miles of Great Lakes shoreline and many rivers and inland lakes a draw for tourists and for service companies that want a beautiful setting.

During the first half of the 20th century, the steel plants, paper mills and auto factories that employed millions along the lakes also left behind blight. The Lake Michigan city of Gary, Ind., is riddled with the hulks of abandoned buildings and the Grand Calumet River bottom is caked with a 20-foot-deep layer of gunk including toxic PCBs.

An Obama administration initiative has pumped more than $1 billion into Great Lakes environmental cleanup, and a regional partnership has raised hundreds of millions to beautify Gary's industrial waterfront.

"People will pay more for an office with a water view," Austin said. "But not if it's a cesspool."


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May 20, 2013 By: Newswire



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Hezbollah suffers big losses in Syria battle: activists

By Khaled Yacoub Oweis and Dominic Evans

AMMAN/BEIRUT (Reuters) - About 30 Lebanese Hezbollah fighters and 20 Syrian soldiers and militiamen loyal to President Bashar al-Assad have been killed in the fiercest fighting this year in the rebel stronghold of Qusair, Syrian activists said on Monday.

Sunday's reported death toll was the highest for Hezbollah in a single day's conflict in Syria, highlighting the increasing intervention by the guerrilla group originally set up by Iran in the 1980s to fight Israeli occupation troops in south Lebanon.

If confirmed, the Hezbollah losses also reflect the extent to which Syria is becoming a proxy conflict between Shi'ite Iran and Gulf Arab states such as Saudi Arabia and Qatar, which back Assad's mostly Sunni enemies.

Western countries and Russia, an ally of Damascus, back opposing sides in this regional free-for-all which is also sucking in Israel. Three times this year Israeli planes have bombed presumed Iranian weapons destined for Hezbollah.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said his country was "preparing for every scenario" in Syria and held out the prospect of more Israeli strikes on Syria to stop Hezbollah and other opponents of Israel obtaining advanced weapons.

Israel has not confirmed or denied reports by Western and Israeli intelligence sources that its raids targeted Iranian missiles stored near Damascus that it believed were awaiting delivery to Hezbollah, which fought a war with Israel in 2006.


Syrian opposition sources and state media gave widely differing accounts of Sunday's ferocious clashes in Qusair, long used by rebels as a supply route from the nearby Lebanese border to the provincial capital Homs.

Hezbollah has not commented but in Lebanon's Bekaa Valley on Monday several funeral processions could be seen. Pictures of dead fighters were plastered on to cars and mourners waved yellow Hezbollah flags.

Several ambulances were seen on the main Bekaa Valley highway and residents said hospitals had appealed for blood to treat the wounded brought back to Lebanon.

The air and tank assault on the strategic town of 30,000 people appeared to be part of a campaign by Assad's forces to consolidate their grip on Damascus and secure links between the capital and government strongholds in the Alawite coastal heartland via the contested central city of Homs.

The government campaign has coincided with efforts by the United States and Russia, despite their differences on Syria, to organize peace talks to end a conflict now in its third year in which more than 80,000 people have been killed.

A total of 100 combatants from both sides were killed in Sunday's offensive, according to opposition sources, including the British-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

Troops have already retaken several villages around Qusair and have attacked increasingly isolated rebel units in Homs.

"If Qusair falls, God forbid, the opposition in Homs city will be in grave danger," said an activist who called himself Abu Jaafar al-Mugharbil.

State news agency SANA said the army had "restored security and stability to most Qusair neighborhoods" and was "chasing the remnants of the terrorists in the northern district".

Syrian television also showed footage of what it said was an Israeli military Jeep which it said the rebels had been using and which showed the extent of their foreign backing. An Israeli military spokeswoman said the vehicle was decommissioned a decade ago and dismissed the footage as "poor propaganda".

Opposition activists said rebels in Qusair, about 10 km (six miles) from the Lebanese border, had pushed back most of the attacking forces to their original positions in the east of the town and to the south on Sunday, destroying at least four Syrian army tanks and five light Hezbollah vehicles.

The Western-backed leadership of the Free Syrian Army, the loose umbrella group trying to oversee hundreds of disparate rebel brigades, said the Qusair fighters had thwarted Hezbollah with military operations it dubbed "Walls of Death".

Syrian government restrictions on access for independent media make it hard to verify such videos and accounts.


The fighting raged as Western nations are seeking to step up pressure on Assad - Britain and France want the European Union to allow arms deliveries to rebels - while preparing for the peace talks brokered by Russia and the United States next month.

British Foreign Secretary William Hague said "no option is off the table" over the possible arming of rebels if the Syrian government does not negotiate seriously at the proposed talks.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, whose country has shielded Syria from U.N. Security Council action, said Syrian opposition representatives must take part without precondition, apparently referring to their demands for Assad's exit before they come to the table.

Assad has scorned the idea that the conference expected to convene in Geneva could end a war that is fuelling instability and deepening Sunni-Shi'ite rifts across the Middle East.

"They think a political conference will halt terrorists in the country. That is unrealistic," he told the Argentine newspaper Clarin, in a reference to Syria's mainly Sunni rebels.

Assad ruled out "dialogue with terrorists", but it was not clear from his remarks whether he would agree to send delegates to a conference that may in any case falter before it starts due to disagreements between its two main sponsors and their allies.

The fractured Syrian opposition is to discuss the proposed peace conference at a meeting due to start in Istanbul on Thursday, during which it will also appoint a new leadership.

Attacks by troops and militias loyal to Assad, who inherited power in Syria from his father in 2000, have put rebels under pressure in several of their strongholds in recent weeks.

Assad, from Syria's minority Alawite sect, has been battling an uprising which began with peaceful protests in March 2011. His violent response eventually prompted rebels to take up arms.

Hezbollah has supported Assad throughout the crisis but for months denied reports it was fighting alongside Assad's troops.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights put the Hezbollah casualties on Sunday at 28 dead and more than 70 wounded, while 48 rebel fighters and four civilians were also killed.

Tareq Murei, an activist in Qusair, said six more people were killed on Monday as Syrian army artillery and Hezbollah rocket launchers bombarded rebel-held parts of the town.

Video footage purportedly showed a Syrian tank on fire at a street corner in the town. In another video a warplane was shown flying over the town amid the sound of explosions.

Lebanese security sources said at least 12 Hezbollah fighters were killed in Qusair on Sunday. Seven were to be buried in the Lebanese town of Baalbek and nearby villages on Monday, they said.

(Additional reporting by Erika Solomon in Hermel and Dan Williams in Jerusalem; Writing by Dominic Evans,; Editing by Samia Nakhoul, Alistair Lyon and Giles Elgood)


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Watch Chris Hadfield MacGyver Up a Game of Space Darts

You thought Chris Hadfield turned his back on us when he left the ISS earlier this month, didn't you? For shame, internet patron, for shame. Hadfield may be safely back on Earth, but the otherworldly videos continue to surface. And in this one, you get to see him make himself a game of darts MacGyver style. In zero gravity. On a spaceship. Because he is Chris Hadfield, and he can do anything.




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Monday, May 20, 2013

A Look at Facts and Myths of Health and Fitness ? Hot Article Depot

No matter if you are old hand or new at health and fitness education the overall amount of information can seem a bit staggering. This is a situation that can get worse when the line between truth and lie is very thin and overwhelming. One of the first things you?ll notice is that fitness books are most usually written by those who have personal experience or knowledge of the subject. There are many approaches to working out and much depends on what you will be doing. No doubt you will find some information that seems contradictory to other information you?ve found even though they may both be somewhat truthful. Be extra careful that you are analyzing everything.

You can find several yoga and back pain products online. According to all the marketing, yoga can help relieve back pain. This is only true for some cases, making this statement misleading and dangerous. If your back pain is caused by muscle issues, then doing yoga can certainly help. Yoga can help you stretch and strengthen the muscles in your back. Once you can do that, then your back pain will get better. Yoga won?t help, however, if your back pain is due to bone problems like an issue with a spinal disc. Doing yoga with this kind of problem can cause serious complications.

Sweat is another subject in this series. Working out is synonymous with sweat typically speaking. Most also believe the flip side of that too. In fact sweat is simply your body?s air conditioner. There is in fact no correlation between sweat and physical exertion.

You do not have to sweat to burn calories. Even just a walk can help you accomplish that.

Mental horsepower is only one benefit of fitness exercises. A higher level of performance and brain power is what we are talking about.

It?s important for you to take the time to research everything in order to be able to clearly discern fact from fiction. In fact, it is in your very best interest to do so. Before you go out half cocked and exert the energy and time necessary for a change in lifestyle you need to know that you are doing it right. When you have a properly calculated exercise routine based solely on your research you will reap the benefits.

James Steele is a well-known author, he has been writing different blogs on different topics like health,nutrition,supplements etc. Checkout his article on My Video Talk leads and on Ambit leads


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Obama takes Cabinet secretaries out to play golf (The Arizona Republic)

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Separated by military duties, dad and daughter reunite

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Former Google Exec Turns Whistleblower On Company's Tax Avoidance Machinations In The UK

Google Logo 2010Google is under fire in the UK for its tax practices in the country, and a new key witness (who spoke to The Sunday Times) might put them in deeper hot water when he hands over a reported 100,000 emails and documents to the British Revenue & Customs (HRMC) services. Barney Jones, a former Googler who was at the company between 2004 and 2006, says he has material proof that Google's London sales staff which would negotiate and close sales for the UK market, despite claiming its Dublin HQ handled finalizing all deals.


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Sunday, May 19, 2013

Mice return from a month in space

(AP) ? A Russian capsule carrying mice, lizards and other small animals returned to Earth on Sunday after spending a month in space for what scientists said was the longest experiment of its kind.

Fewer than half of the 53 mice and other rodents who blasted off on April 19 from the Baikonur Cosmodrome survived the flight, Russian news agencies reported, quoting Vladimir Sychov, deputy director of the Institute of Medical and Biological Problems and the lead researcher.

Sychov said this was to be expected and the surviving mice were sufficient to complete the study, which was designed to show the effects of weightlessness and other factors of space flight on cell structure. All 15 of the lizards survived, he said. The capsule also carried small crayfish and fish.

The capsule's orbit reached 575 kilometers (345 miles) above Earth, according to the news agencies, which said this was far higher than the orbit of the International Space Station.

Russian state television showed the round Bion-M capsule and some of the surviving mice after it landed slightly off course but safely in a planted field near Orenburg, about 1,200 kilometers (750 miles) southeast of Moscow.

"This is the first time that animals have flown in space for so long on their own," Sychov said in the television broadcast from the landing site. The last research craft to carry animals into space spent 12 days in orbit in 2007.

The mice and other animals were to be flown back to Moscow to undergo a series of tests at Sychov's institute, which is part of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Associated Press


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Member of Pakistani cricket star's party killed

KARACHI, Pakistan (AP) ? Police say gunmen on a motorcycle have shot and killed a senior member of a leading Pakistani political party.

Police officer Sarfaraz Nawaz says Zohra Shahid was gunned down outside her home in the city of Karachi in southern Sindh province. Shahid was the vice president of former Pakistani cricket star Imran Khan's Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf party in Sindh.

No one has claimed responsibility for the killing.

Khan's party has claimed it was the victim of vote rigging in several areas of Pakistan, including Karachi, in national elections held on May 11. Pakistan's election commission plans to re-do the vote for several national assembly seats, including in Karachi.

A spokesman for Khan's party, Jamal Siddiqui, claimed Shahid was killed to sabotage a re-vote scheduled to be held in Karachi on Sunday.


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96% War Witch

All Critics (48) | Top Critics (16) | Fresh (46) | Rotten (2)

Canadian writer-director Kim Nguyen spent nearly a decade researching this docudrama about child soldiers in Africa, and the film feels as authoritative as a first-hand account.

A haunting take on unspeakably grim subject matter, shot on location in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

A powerful and upsetting portrait of a young girl compelled into unimaginably horrific circumstances.

Nguyen, astonishingly, manages to wring something vaguely like a happy ending from this tragic story.

War Witch is most effective not when we are looking in on Komona but when we are inside her head.

The powerful things we expect from "War Witch" are as advertised, but what we don't expect is even better.

... driven by a remarkably natural, unaffected performance by Mwanza. And Nguyen, despite relying a little too heavily on the initial voice-over for exposition, is a confident and sensitive intelligence behind the camera.

You're likely to ponder its images, its insights into a very foreign (for most of us) location and the tragic situation of Komona (and others like her) for a long time to come.

Is it accurate depiction of Africa's child soldiers? I don't know, thank God. But it feels authentic to its very core, and that makes it as hard to forget as it is to ignore.

Brutal without turning exploitative, the result is harrowing and heartbreaking.

Nguyen creates a mesmerizing tone through his camerawork, editing, sound and the infusion of African folk imagery and ritual, but it's Mwanza's performance as Komona that makes "War Witch" feel so miraculous.

Nguyen reportedly worked on "War Witch" for a decade, and it shows in both the immediacy and authenticity of his tale, and the meticulous craft with which it's told.

Made with extremely clear-eyed restraint from harangues, sentiment, message-mongering, or anything else that would cheapen its central character's suffering and fight.

War Witch features a standout performance by Rachel Mwanza, but the supernatural visions don't really suit the film's tone and mood.

Nguyen's compassion and commitment to the issue is admirable, and at its best, War Witch is devastating.

War Witch is remarkable for the fact that it never strays into sentimentality or sensationalism.

...a love story between youngsters who are forced to become adults all too early in their lives.

This is a straight ahead essay on warfare at its worst and the survival of the human spirit at its best.

An astonishing drama set in Africa that vividly depicts the courage and resiliency of a 12-year-old girl whose spiritual gifts enable her to survive.

It is astonishing that film that contains such violence can have such a serene tone. The source of the serenity is the measured, calm narration by Komona (voice of Diane Umawahoro) that is the telling of her story to her unborn child

An exquisitely made film in direct contrast to the ugliness of its subject matter

No quotes approved yet for War Witch. Logged in users can submit quotes.


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Cranmer: The failures of Committee Stage of Marriage (Same Sex ...

The CARE Public Policy Team have produced a helpful document summarising the shortcomings of the Committee Stage of the Government's 'Marriage (Same-Sex Couples) Bill':

Key Facts:
? Report Stage of the Marriage Bill is now only days away
? Considerable problems with the Bill remain
? Committee stage achieved very little
? Not one word of the Bill was amended despite the fact that numerous amendments were put down
? Of the 19 MPs on the committee only four were against the Bill
? There were no dissenters in the Labour ranks

Commenting on the Committee stage Mark D?Arcy, BBC Parliamentary Correspondent said, ?In short, it's all a bit of a ritual. The dissenters dissent and the supporters support, and the whole thing is as mannered as a minuet danced at the court of Louis XVI.?

A range of concerns were not properly addressed by the Government. Here are four:

1) Failure to put same sex relationships into same legal framework as opposite sex marriage

The Government?s Position

? The Government Minister, Hugh Robertson MP, supported the Bill?s position that adultery is only a ground for divorce in a marriage between two people of the opposite sex.
? The Minister noted that introducing homosexual adultery would bring ?significant uncertainty for couples. It could lead to divorce applications failing, and adultery would be difficult to prove.?
Critique by MPs
? Tim Loughton asked: ?Why should a same-sex couple who want to get married not be subject to the same obligations and rules as an opposite-sex couple who want to get married??
? He added: ?One could logically make the case for legal recognition of same-sex relationships, but if the standards of commitment required are different from those required in a marriage, it would be completely wrong to categorise such relationships as marriage.?
? David Burrowes remarked that debate on this issue exposed ?the flawed notion of equal marriage as a concept.?
VERDICT: The notion of equal marriage is a flawed concept.

2) Failure to address inequality

The Government?s Position

? The Minister made clear, in accordance with the Bill, that couples already in a civil partnership who wish to marry will not be required to have a same sex marriage ceremony, unlike every other couple.
? He said: ?a couple in a civil partnership will have already gone through a civil partnership registration, demonstrating a level of commitment not unlike-different, but not unlike-that required for a marriage ceremony.?
? He added that the conversion from a civil partnership to a marriage ?will simply involve a straightforward administrative process for those who prefer that, while those who want a more public ceremony will be able to hold that at a place of their choosing.?
Critique by MPs
? David Burrowes responded: ?How can I set out the Government?s case that the Bill is all about equality for same-sex couples to be married like opposite-sex couples, when only same-sex couples can be civil partners and have this conversion - perhaps this paper upgrade - to marriage, so skipping the other formal requirements of the Marriage Act??
VERDICT: The Minister failed to address the fundamental subject of inequality.

3) Failure to address religious freedom for registrars

The Government?s Position

? The Minister argued, in accordance with the Bill, that registrars should be compelled to perform same sex marriages even if it is against their conscience or religious belief.
? The Minister responded to Tim Loughton?s question about freedom of conscience by saying: ?They are different functions. One is an abortion; the other is a same-sex marriage.?
Critique by MPs
? David Burrowes and Tim Loughton pointed out that the law has long accommodated atheist teachers who do not wish to teach religion in schools and pro-life doctors who do not want to perform abortions. There is no reason why this principle should not be extended to registrars who do not wish to conduct marriage between two people of the same sex.
? The Minister was asked by Tim Loughton: ?Why is it the principle that a surgeon who has strong Catholic views is allowed to pick and choose whether to perform abortions or other surgery, if the same principle cannot be applied to a Catholic registrar with strong views, allowing them to pick and choose whether to perform that other public service? What is so essentially different that we protect one but not the other??
VERDICT: There is inconsistency in the Government?s position. In both cases public servants perform a public function for which the public pay. Merely saying that they are different functions is not justification for treating them differently.

4) Failure to address protection for schools

The Government?s Position

? The Minister asserted that ?no teacher is under any duty to promote or endorse a particular view of marriage, and neither would they as a result of any revised guidance in the future.? However, he was unprepared to allow this to be written into the Bill.
? He further commented ?teachers are entirely free to express their views in any reasonable way that they wish, but not in an offensive or discriminatory fashion.? But what constitutes an ?offensive or discriminatory fashion? was not clarified.
Critique by MPs
? Tim Loughton quoted John Bowers QC ? Employment Silk of the Year 2010 ? who, in his legal opinion, says that teaching that one form of marriage is ?better than another? would likely ?amount to unlawful direct or indirect discrimination.?
VERDICT: The Minister was unable to address the major concern of protection for teachers who do not feel able to endorse the new definition of marriage.


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Yahoo schedules product-related event for May 20th in NYC, Marissa Mayer expected to speak

Yahoo schedules productrelated event for May 20th in NYC, Marissa Mayer expected to speak

Call us crazy, but it sure feels like Yahoo's had one heck of a spring. When it comes to spending, anyway. Just as soon as it can get one check to clear, the search icon is breaking the ink back out to write another. According to a breaking tweet from CNBC, Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer is scheduled to speak at a "product-related" event in New York City this coming Monday. It's tough to tell what kind of surprise will be in store, but we wouldn't be shocked if it involved the word "Tumblr." We're digging for more as we speak, and will most certainly be on hand to see what comes to fruition.

Update: We've just heard back from Yahoo, and the event is indeed going down in order to "share something special." And yes, we'll be there to bring whatever happens to your browser of choice.

Filed under:


Source: CNBC (Twitter)


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